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Гильдия Doomdancers

Гильдия Doomdancers


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Update 17

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Информация об аугмент слотах в новом апдейте:
Количество и цвет слотов на именных предметах останутся без изменений, в том числе на тех, что будут дропаться после 17 апдейта.
Для возможности пользоваться новыми аугментами старые предметы придется обновить на эпик алтаре с 50 Siberys Dragonshard Fragments, но при этом потеряется всё, что было вставлено ранее, и уже нельзя будет пользоваться старым эпик крафтом. Впрочем старые аугмент кристаллы все равно нельзя будет купить.
Рандомные предметы получат 5% шанса на слот. При дизъюнкции предмета в каннит крафте слот останется.
Сами аугменты будут с 5% шансом падать в сундуках.
Предметы с гильд-слотами перестанут дропаться после апдейта, однако торговцы гильд-кристаллами останутся... пока.

Как стакаются бонусы на хп и ману:
http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=48 … stcount=98
Скорей всего не будут стакаться только с гилд-слотами.

Про 100-часовые кристаллы из еДА:
http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=48 … stcount=84
Новых версий пока не будет, но планируют добавить когда-нибудь потом в каком-нибудь новом виде, но уже постоянные аугменты.
Будут ли еще какое-то время после апдейта дропаться старые версии кристаллов - непонятно.

Основные потери с новой системой слотов:
- гильд-слоты;
- +7, Toughness кристаллы;
- временные кристаллы из еДА.

Но вот кастерам новый апдейт может понравиться, достаточно полистать аугменты.



Vanheld написал(а):

- Silver, Cold Iron, Good, +7,Toughness кристаллы;

Силвер, колд айрон и гуд останутся:

Minimum Level 12:
Good Damage Flag

Minimum Level 16:
Cold Iron Damage Flag
Alchemical Silver Damage Flag



я на самом деле не понял про стак ХП
есть аугмент на 35 (или на скок он там?)
с чем он не стакается? с ГФЛ? с тафнесом? с гс? с гилдслотом?



Не нашел инфы про энхансмент тип бонуса, но полагаю, что это фолс лайф и всякие визардри/архимаги




лучше бы с гилдслотом не стакалось)



The crystal's buff is considered an enhancement bonus, and therefore will stack with most other buffs, but not similar augment crystals (only the highest bonus will apply).



тогда нормально







гфл синий O_o




The ancient conflict between dragon and giant appears rekindled – and this time the Stormreaver himself has been seen in the battle! Many readers of this fine publication are aware of the impact these wars have had on Xen’drik. Does this new conflict portend doom for us all? This reporter hesitates to say “Yes! By all means, panic!!!” Nonetheless, readers are being urged to make sure their Chronicle subscriptions are up-to-date, for fear of missing important information that could very well save the lives of everyone they love!

In response to the conflict, the Aurum are urging people to take basic precautions, such as the delay of new construction in the Gianthold Tor, and avoiding the area if you are less than ten feet tall.

Adventurers seeking to enter this epic battle should weigh the risks before proceeding. Only the strongest and most able heroes should consider themselves brave enough to get in the middle of this fight! Those who enjoy being crushed under a gigantic boot or blasted with massive elemental breath attacks can speak to Thaden, located near the House Kundarak Bank in The Marketplace.


Arcane researchers from The Twelve have made a breakthrough that will forever alter the way Augments are applied! Arcane Chromaticist Hue the Luminous tells this reporter, “We’ve found a way to embed color-based Augment Slots in just about anything! Using a newly-created process, we’ve distilled the essence of prismatic frogs into a substance that can be added to items during their creation. Stabbing your foes through the heart is now 27% more fun!”

Reports of items are coming in with Augment Slots being found in chests everywhere, and even Cannith Crafters have found that items with Augment Slots can be further crafted upon by their techniques! Some enterprising vendors have also been seen offering these new augments. Using an Augment is as easy as double-clicking on it and combining the augment with an item that contains one of these new Augment Slots. Adventurers can change their slotted augments at any time!


Have you ever teased a small child only to discover that the child’s meaner, much-larger brother was standing nearby? The pirates of Crystal Cove have apparently decided that they are sick of adventurers beating them up and taking their stuff, and have called in tougher reinforcements for help! These new hobgoblins have allegedly been eating a diet of dragon meat and broken glass, and Crystal Cove is now prepared for the toughest Stormreach has to offer! Rumor has it these new pirates have brought with them even more-powerful loot as well! To visit Crystal Cove, speak to Sailor Calatin when he’s hanging around The Harbor.


LOST: Full set of Blue Dragonscales in the Gianthold Tor. Still attached to Dragon. If spotted, please contact nearest Agent of Argonnessen. Dragon could be considered harmless, maybe. Goes by the name “Grumpy.”

WANTED: Full set of Giant, Dragon, and Elven Relics. Contact Crag for more information.

HELP WANTED: Shoemaker’s assistant needed. Prior experience with size 78 or larger shoes helpful, but will train the right person. Good pay and benefits! Applicants must be proficient in avoiding gigantic feet during sizing procedure.



ПОП на нормале 24 лвл



+3/+3 на одной шмотке, вау









[реклама вместо картинки]




Если они не улучшат инт неписей, не добавят некоей непредсказуемости, то игра помрет - это точно... при таком шмоте просто делать нечего не остается :(



Видели новое описание Improved Cursespewing?
Выкидываем брич (а может и есос). Только кливер, только дреднаут ))



Система с New Augments прикольная, мне как казуальщику-халявщику очень нравится (если всё правильно понял). Но могли бы и seeker +10 дать камешек :D



3 именной квивер в игре



Недокументированные изменения:
Пофиксят дамаг от глансингов у фури (Рестингор виноват): Wild Weapons has been 'fixed'
Уберут первый сундук в The Deal and the Demon: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=404907

Cloudburst апгрейдится в Skybreaker, Hand of the Stormreaver
Skybreaker - Skybreaker deals an additional 5 to 30 Electric damage on every hit, plus an additional 5 to 30 Sonic damage on any critical hit. Any natural 20 on an attack roll will smite your foe with a bolt of thunder from the heavens, dealing an additional 60-120 Electric damage to your target, and triggering a shockwave that deals an additional 45-90 Sonic damage to all nearby foes



Kuzya написал(а):

Пофиксят дамаг от глансингов у фури (Рестингор виноват)

хохол, дай пять



про  Тор

1. You no longer have to pull the levers at the same time to open the end fight
2. The end fight has changed away from that whole stand in the box thing.

лол, ооокеееей, а я даже поленился туда сходить проверить, думал соло не пройти))



Toughness is coming back in Update 18 as a named augment, along with a sizable batch of other unbound named augments.
http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=48 … stcount=13

На ддовики выложили шапки:
Helm of the White Dragon
    ML25: Draconic Resilience (set with armor, +50 artifact bonus to hp), (one of: +8 or insightful +3 str or con or dex), Empty Green Augment Slot, Empty Yellow Augment Slot
Helm of the Blue Dragon - Headgear
    ML25: Draconic Mind (set with armor, +15 artifact bonus to spell power), (one of: +8 or insightful +3 int or cha or wis), Empty Green Augment Slot, Empty Yellow Augment Slot
Helm of the Black Dragon - Headgear
    ML25: Draconic Ferocity (set with armor), (one of: +8 or insightful +3 str or con or dex), Empty Green Augment Slot, Empty Yellow Augment Slot



А где планируемые сроки апдейтов на обычных серверах посмотреть?



Dzar написал(а):

А где планируемые сроки апдейтов на обычных серверах посмотреть?

за полтора года в игре мог бы и заметить уже - если ничего особенного не случается, то апдейт накатывают на лайв сервера спустя примерно месяц после появления на ламаннии

ну и внимательно посмотреть на буквы в шапке ддовики: In development

Отредактировано np (18.01.2013 16:28:36)



Я барбом играю, у него с интеллектом беда и спот/серч не вкачан.

А так, да, моя благодарная.



Спойлеры из нового рейда:

- Phase 1: Fight three dragon/giant pairs at once (as in Tor).
- Phase 2: Upon first dragon/giant pair dying, Truthful One enters the fray.
- Phase 3: Upon second dragon/giant pair dying, Truthful One conjures a crystal in the sky which must be ranged DPS'ed down. It attacks back with a ray that does 446 force damage (EE) and can't be dodged/mitigated that we saw.
- Phase 4: Upon killing crystal and third dragon/giant pair, Truthful One dominates the Stormreaver. They become a dragon/giant pair. (Note the Reaver does not currently attack the raid in any way). Truthful One gains ability to summons some respawning trash.
- Phase 5 (optional, extreme difficulty, not 100% certain on the trigger condition but we got this on EH and not EE): If in phase 3 you killed the third dragon/giant pair before the crystal, Truthful One raises all three dragons as undead. If possible, avoid triggering this phase as it does not seem to provide more loot. Kill Reaver and Truthful simultaneously to complete the raid. If you don't trigger this, phase 4 continues and again you complete when killing the two bosses at once.

A warning: The arena is large. Healing range will be an issue often.

This raid was intense non-stop action. A rundown of the foes:

- Giant of Silence: Arcane CC caster. Drops devastating discoballs. Absolute primary target to kill in phase 1 as his discoballs and other spells mess up kiting. Kiting is key to this raid in a lot of ways.
- Giant of Confusion: Summoner. Conjures air elementals, wraiths, and other nasties. Was our phase 2 target. At all times, air elementals are to be killed on sight. I think this one was the one that spams Destruction too - Death Ward is not enough as you'll die repeatedly, so be wearing a Deathblock item. He also has random aggro and seems impossible to intimidate (or his Intim DC is much higher than everything else). He also Deathwards his elementals but only with the single target Deathward spell so you can often instakill them.
- Giant of something else: Not nearly as dangerous. Don't remember much of what he does.

All three giants are relatively safe to be in melee range of. They hit hard but slowly (200 damage per 2.5 seconds or so on EE in a frontal cleave are, much much less on EH, can't hit targets behind them in melee). All Giants cast Heal on themselves but have quite low healing amplification (they might heal 1200hp or so on EE, it's not much). HP estimate maybe a quarter million each (EE) - enough to last a while when the raid focuses on one but not to drag on for ages like Suulomades did in elite TOD runs at the level 20 cap.

- The three paired dragons:
These have moderately dangerous melee attacks and a devastating breath.
The breath attacks deal moderate amounts of damage and inflict a debuff that causes you to take a -50 Reflex save penalty and double incoming damage of their particular element. In other words, you do not want to be hit twice by it. Improved evasion toons and toons that stack HP will survive the breath.
We kited these around the outside of the arena and peeled off the one that was paired to the giant we were focusing on when ready.
We saw no tell warning of their breath attack and found the dragons effectively untankable as a result. The breath would outright kill any character without 1000hp or improved evasion, even on hard. If the intention is for these to be tanked not kited, the breath needs to be dialed down in damage or the -50 penalty toned down (if this is done, giving them an ability to snare players could be considered too)

- The Truthful One:
Dracolich. Has multiple breath weapons and occasionally flies up to above the arena to throw fireballs (much like Veraxina in the King's Forest).
His melee attacks are deadly to anyone but a defensively specced melee and hit a very wide frontal cleave radius. I was hit for over 400 in one instance on EE (not a crit, minimal PRR). In other words, attack him from behind and move to keep flanking as he adjusts. He will also rear up and unleash a devastating breath attack that seems to be all three little dragon breaths at once. For this reason we mostly kite him, and when tanking him in the final phase we have a lot of tank deaths to mistakes made responding to the breath tell.
Presumably he is meant to have DR 30/blunt and good but he does not currently.

- The Stormreaver:
Bugged, just a sack of hitpoints. Presumably he'll need to be tanked when fixed. Important - if he is intended to function similarly to his heroic counterpart, he needs the ability to turn faster as the Reaver can't handle a player running tight circles around him.



я говорил чо обэверквестивается игра? наскока я понял там гигантов бить надо будет по попе, а не в лоб. велкам интимитанк который будет разворачивать вражину от остального рейда :-)



кайтеры, сосоны, везде нужны кайтеры

откращиваем прямые руки, не стесняемся



Типа новые мэдстоны
http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=48 … stcount=80


Вы здесь » Гильдия Doomdancers » Флудильня » Update 17