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Гильдия Doomdancers

Гильдия Doomdancers


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Update 14: Menace of the Underdark

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Akryst написал(а):

Underdark drow will be able to darken whole areas so your vision is dropped to a few feet. Certain
races will be allowed to develope infravision and there will be gear items to deal with it.
Ну вот, кто там хотел инфравидиние?

круто круто. а чё у нас из инфравидящих расс? дроу да хорки? аа дворфы же еще. приколитесь щас дворфов сделают платными =)



Можете вкратце подсказать,пожалуйста?
Все квесты(паки) есть,Ветеранства есть,Тома +50% опыта сожраны на всех чарах.
СтОит ли покупать 80$ набор заради: Анлим-GoldSeal-наёмника-файтера(причём вроде как вполне выдающегося по сравнению с обычными,да? + Элитной маски(+1 профановский бонус ко всем скилам) - это то,что видимо никогда потом и не купишь.
ну и естественно ради того что будет в андердарке(3 квест пака,челлендж,эпики и друид)..но это и за 50$ есть,и вообще в августе Update14:
Menace of the Underdark Adventure Packs – 2495 Turbine Points
Epic Destinies (account wide unlock) – 995 Turbine Points
Eveningstar Challenge Pack (free to VIPs) – 695 Turbine Points
Druid class (free to VIPs) – 1495 Turbine Points
Так что можно всё купить за ТП во время скидок будет..



что то у них с каждым разом классы и расы всё дороже и дороже. скоро по 6к тп надо будет платить...
эх не думал я что эпик дестени такая дорогая будет...

Аможно как то договориться за ФРДСы иЛДСы что бы мне на аккаунт проплатили эту предпокупку. мне даже самую толсту не надо, лишь бы эпик дестни и друид входил...



alex.zakamsky написал(а):

эпик дестни и друид

50 баксов = 10 фрдс, ищи покупателя



5 680 ТП  за все, ВКЛЮЧАЯ ДРУИДА.
Я недавно брал за 40 евро 4к+ ТП.
80 баксов платить? Нет, спасибо.

account wide unlock - что это такое?

hime написал(а):

Так что можно всё купить за ТП во время скидок будет..

Я бы не рассчитывал. Скидка на "это" может появится КРАЙНЕ не скоро.

Эпик энхансы. Как и ожидалось.

You will not be able to purchase druid in the DDO Store until August.



Лютик,ты как то дорого купил очки.
Точно помню,не так давно, покупал девушке очки на акк.. 2000 рублей(ну так с переводом валют), то есть 60 баксов, дали 11 тысяч с лишним очков в игре(11 700 чтоли..).
Вот сам считай,насколько 80$ дорого)

Account wide unlock - значит что не на одном сервере, а на всех серверах, на весь твой аккаунт, разблокирует эту функцию. Для сравнения, если купить 32p Build в ДДО стор, то это Account Wide. Если добыть через 1750 Фейвора - Server wide, то есть на другом сервере у тебя 28п онли будет, пока и там фейвор не наберёшь или в ддо стор не купишь.

А почему лол? Они сразу об этом предупредили, что кто заранее купит - сразу поимеет, остальные будут ждать Апдейта 14, в коем и будут эти опции все добавлены в ДДО стор.

Чёрт, никто кошечку-наёмника не юзал ещё? Насколько она имба полезна для соло(за некоторые классы)..?



hime написал(а):

Чёрт, никто кошечку-наёмника не юзал ещё? Насколько она имба полезна для соло(за некоторые классы)..?

да весьма так себе, файтер 16 ур.



v.p. написал(а):

hime написал(а):

    Чёрт, никто кошечку-наёмника не юзал ещё? Насколько она имба полезна для соло(за некоторые классы)..?

да весьма так себе, файтер 16 ур.

20й вроде, не? http://ddowiki.com/page/Figurine_of_Won … yx_Panther



Свернутый текст

Все наемники, кошки, саммон - говно. Только тссс...



Akryst написал(а):

20й вроде, не?

да, извини. вот она собссно.


был в эпик ЛоД - не впечатлило, один крендель ее там вызывал.



Посмотрел ПАКС превью андердарка, впечатлился, посмотрел превью Невервинтер онлайн-разочаровался. Посмотрел остальные tobereleased Mmorpg - оплатил Андердарк 80$ пак. Турбина-молодцы, не смотря на многолетние баги и тормозную поддержку, ДДО - единственная зацепившая мморпг. Пришёл код андердарка на почту, попытался активировать - а он мне фигу. Жду ответа от саппорта... Эх..
"Всё равно её не брошу, потому что делать нехрен"



Жду когда девушка начнёт кидаться тапками, за то, что ей ещё не купил))) что-то мне подсказывает, что прижётся ещё 80$ выложить. Кстати, маска роге же полезна?



дак маска - это накладка, не мешающая носить сам шлем. там +1 ко всем скиллам, всем полезно.
я, кстати, тоже покупал 2 кода. оба раза все удачно.



Коды то удачно пришли. в myaccount.turbine когда ввожу его в центре на первой странице(там же?) - он мне наверху красную ошибку выдаёт, что-то про подписку, мол оплатите ещё и Випа на год)))! Написал поддержке,жду.
Жутко интересно..введут ли они ещё "анлим-голд-сил наёмников" других классов, акромя Файтера.. ещё бы чтоб скейлелись по лвлу..



есть инфа по изменению игровой механики? с бургами разговаривал. говорят про изменения . говорят что несколько престиж енхансментов брать можно , пример приводили темпест и аа одновременно... для капа 60 ранков итд., говорят официальная инфа из дневников разработчиков...хз. если так, звучит херово. щас еще 1 вов сделают



Betaserk написал(а):

хмм, когда бета тест ?

Cordovan написал(а):

Beta is set to begin May 10th, details to follow as we get closer to that date.



neverskeep написал(а):

есть инфа по изменению игровой механики? с бургами разговаривал. говорят про изменения . говорят что несколько престиж енхансментов брать можно , пример приводили темпест и аа одновременно... для капа 60 ранков итд., говорят официальная инфа из дневников разработчиков...хз. если так, звучит херово. щас еще 1 вов сделают




neverskeep написал(а):

говорят что несколько престиж енхансментов брать можно , пример приводили темпест и аа одновременно

99% что гонят - это престижи одного класса.



Lutique написал(а):

это престижи одного класса.

в том и суть что они хотели отвязать расовые от классовых.



This is a two-fer.  Still working my way through it myself, but wanted to share with my fellow Vaulties.  BTW... anything that isn't public domain I will share here.  As I'm sure you have noticed, sometimes I get my info late, but like the rest of you I'm glad to share it.



The Magister is an Epic Destiny in the Arcane Sphere.

It’s primarily useful for a caster who cares about high spell DCs, buffing and protecting the party, or summoning powerful monsters. It’s less offensively-oriented (that is more the purview of the Draconic Incarnation, the Sorcerer Destiny), but still has a few abilities that can deal damage or increase spell power. I see it as being the ideal choice for Pale Master or Archmage Wizards, due to the school specialization options and the spell DC boosts, but there’s no reason other Arcane classes shouldn’t consider it (particularly Sorcerers or even casting-focused Artificers). Key abilities include the various Sigil spells, which allow the Magister to place runic circles on the ground that bestow various types of buffs, and the powerful Nullmagic Aura, an “Epic Moment” ability that creates a dome of energy around the Magister which grants immunity to all magic effects.

Tier One: (0 AP, Magister 0 Required)
Sigil of Spellwarding: Costs 20 SP. Inscribes a runic sigil on the ground where you designate. It remains there for 30/45/60 seconds and adds 10/20/30 stacking spell resistance to you and any allies standing within its radius. No more than a single Sigil per caster can exist at one time – if you cast another, your previous one is erased. 30 second cooldown.
Imperceptible Casting: Your deep understanding of the arcane allows you to cast spells using only the merest gestures and whispers. For the next 20 seconds, your spell threat is reduced to 5% of its normal amount. 1 minute cooldown.
Unearthly Reactions: From years of honing your mind, your wits have become quick to react to danger. +1 Dodge and +2 to Reflex saves per rank. At the third rank, your tumble turns into a teleport that allows you to pass through enemies (this will not let you pass through solid obstacles, however).
Impregnable Mind: Your mind is protected by powerful psychic wards. +2 Concentration and +2 to Will saves per rank. At the third tier, you no longer automatically fail Will saves on a 1.
Intelligence or Charisma: +1 Int or Cha (2 AP)

Tier Two: (4 AP, Magister 1 Required)
Sigil of Lifeshielding: Costs 20 SP. Inscribes a runic sigil on the ground where you designate. It remains there for 30/45/60 seconds and grants all the same protection of a Deathward spell (immunity to death spells, Energy Drain, and negative energy damage) to you and any allies standing within its radius. Any Undead enemies that enter the sigil’s radius take 1d6/2d6/3d6 light damage every two seconds as long as they remain within. No more than a single Sigil per caster can exist at one time – if you cast another, your previous one is erased. 30 second cooldown.
Fade Into the Weave: Your mind and body are so closely interweaved with the essence of magic that you can meld into it when you are in danger. Upon activating this ability you trigger a Diplomacy effect and for the next 10 seconds you are invisible. This invisibility doesn’t break even if you attack or cast spells. 2 minute cooldown.
<School> Specialist (Feat Prereq: Spell Focus): Over time you have developed an affinity with a particular school of magic. Choose a spell school (Conjuration, Evocation, Abjuration, Necromancy, Enchantment, Illusion, or Transmutation) for which you have the appropriate Spell Focus feat. You gain +1 to your DCs with spells of that school per rank.
Intelligence or Charisma: +1 Int or Cha (2 AP)

Tier Three: (8 AP, Magister 2 Required)
Sigil of Energy Negation: Costs 20 SP. Inscribes a runic sigil on the ground where you designate. It remains there for 30/45/60 seconds and grants stacking resistance 20/40/60 vs. Fire, Cold, Electricity and Acid to you and any allies standing within its radius. No more than a single Sigil per caster can exist at one time – if you cast another, your previous one is erased. 30 second cooldown.
Variable Resistance: Whenever you take fire/cold/electric/acid damage, you gain 10 stacking resistance to that element for 1/2/3 minutes. If you are hit by the same energy type consecutively, the effect can stack up to 3 times for 30 stacking resistance. The whole stack is cleared if you take damage from a different energy type.
Piercing Spellcraft (Feat Prereq: Spell Penetration): You understand magical wardings well enough to know just how to breach such defenses. +1/2/3 bonus to spell penetration checks.
<School> Augmentation: The school this enhancement affects depends on what you chose for <School> Specialist. Hostile or non-hostile spells of that school have a 5/10/15% chance to proc an additional buff or debuff on the target when cast, as follows below.
· Conjuration (hostile only): -10 to the target’s reflex saves, 10/20/30 seconds.
· Evocation (hostile only): -10 to the target’s reflex saves, 10/20/30 seconds.
· Abjuration (non-hostile only): +5 to the target’s Armor Class, 1/2/3 minutes.
· Necromancy (hostile only): -5 to the target’s fortitude saves, 10/20/30 seconds.
· Enchantment (hostile only): -5 to the target’s will saves, 10/20/30 seconds.
· Illusion (hostile only): -5 to the target’s will saves, 10/20/30 seconds.
· Transmutation (hostile only): -5 to the target’s fortitude saves, 10/20/30 seconds.
Intelligence or Charisma: +1 Int or Cha (2 AP)

Tier Four: (12 AP, Magister 3 Required)
Sigil of Battering Spellcraft: Costs 20 SP. Inscribes a runic sigil on the ground where you designate. It remains there for 30/45/60 seconds and grants a stacking Spell Power bonus of 5/10/15 to you and any allies standing within its radius. No more than a single Sigil per caster can exist at one time – if you cast another, your previous one is erased. 30 second cooldown.
Nullmagic Guard: When you take damage, there is a 2/4/6% chance that a burst of antimagic energy expands from your body. Nearby enemies are subject to a Dispel Magic effect, which may strip them of their magic protections, and will render them unable to cast spells for 10/20/30 seconds.
Call Kindred Being: Costs 30 SP. You are renowned as an expert of your chosen school (as determined by <School> Specialist), and can call a powerful creature to your aid that shares the traits of that school. All of these monsters are statted as level 20+ creatures, with large amounts of HP and a number of special abilities at their disposal. 8 minute cooldown.
· Conjuration: Random Golem (Iron/Flesh/Clay/Stone)
· Evocation: Living Meteor Swarm
· Abjuration: Animated Armor
· Necromancy: Lich
· Enchantment: Succubus
· Illusion: Dream Render
· Transmutation: Granite Gargoyle
< School> Familiarity: The school this enhancement affects depends on what you chose for <School> Specialist. The cooldowns for spells belonging to your chosen school are reduced by 5/10/15%.
Intelligence or Charisma: +1 Int or Cha (2 AP)

Tier Five: (16 AP, Magister 4 Required)
Nullmagic Strike: Offensive spells you cast have a 5/10/15% chance to subject the target to a Dispel Magic effect, which may strip it of its magic protections, as well as a 5/10/15% chance to render it unable to cast spells for 10/20/30 seconds.
Grand Summoner (Feat Prereq: Augment Summoning): Your summoned creatures are stronger than those conjured by mages who do not comprehend the intricacies of the arcane. Your summons gain +4 to all ability scores, increased health (equivalent to a Toughness feat: total hit dice +2), and increased fortification (+50%). These bonuses all stack with Augment Summoning and similar effects.
Master of <School>: Your caster level and maximum caster level on spells of your chosen school (as determined by <School> Specialist) are each increased by +1 per rank.
Intelligence or Charisma: +1 Int or Cha (2 AP)

Tier Six: (20 AP, Magister 5 Required)
Arcane Adept: Your vast understanding of magic allows you to bend spells in ways that make your energy use far more efficient. All of your spells can be cast with 5% fewer spell points.
Arcane Tempest: Costs 30 SP. Creates a chaotic and massively powerful storm of arcane energy that deals 2d6 per caster level force damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds before dissipating. 2 minute cooldown.
Nullmagic Aura (Epic Moment): Your comprehension of the arcane allows you to unravel spells at the base level, before they do any harm. Each time your Nullmagic Strike or Nullmagic Guard activates, you gain 1 charge. When you have accumulated 30 of these charges, you can expend them to activate Nullmagic Aura and surround yourself with a dome of protective energy. It lasts for 30 seconds, and for its duration, you and allies near you are immune to harmful spell effects, including all damage and CC from spells.
Intelligence or Charisma: +1 Int or Cha (2 AP)

Granted Abilities:
Level 0 Magister: Arcane Study I: +40 SP and +1 Caster Level (applies to Arcane spells only).
Level 1 Magister: Arcane Study II: +40 SP and +1 Caster Level (applies to Arcane spells only).
Level 2 Magister: Arcane Study III: +40 SP and +1 Caster Level (applies to Arcane spells only).
Level 3 Magister: Arcane Study IV: +40 SP and +1 Caster Level (applies to Arcane spells only).
Level 4 Magister: Arcane Study V: +40 SP and +1 Caster Level (applies to Arcane spells only).
Level 5 Magister: Arcane Spellsurge: Your understanding of magic is so keen that you can periodically enter a state of heightened arcane channeling. Activate Arcane Spellsurge to add +5 to all of your spell DCs for the next 20 seconds. 4 minute cooldown.


Grandmaster of Flowers - Epic Destiny

A martial arts themed destiny with ki projection abilities and active and passive abilities that are inspired by the weapon masters in martial arts films. Key abilities include A Scattering of Petals, which is an area of effect attack that blinds nearby enemies and protects you from attacks, and their "Heroic Moment" - Everything is Nothing, which is a massive area of effect attack that knocks non-boss enemies into next week.* Despite being a monk destiny, it is highly attractive to a Fighter that took the Kensei tree and is willing to forgo armor, due to their ability to make their signature weapon into a ki weapon.

The name is taken from first edition D&D, where this was the highest title for monks. (It also shows up in 2nd and 4th editions.)

Notes: Final damage bonuses on the active abilities is still to be determined. All active abilities require the centered state. This is in a draft state like the Exalted Angel, and final wordsmithing has not been done yet on this one.

Tier One: (0 AP, Grandmaster of Flowers 0 Required)
Ki Projection: Cost 10 Ki. 6 second cooldown.
Project a bolt of pure Ki energy to damage a single enemy at range. Damage still to be determined/tuned.
Perfect Balance: +2/4/6 Balance, Jump, and Tumble, +1%/2%/3% Dodge
Enlightenment: Your maximum Ki is increased by 15/30/45, Your concentration skill is increased by 2/4/6
Improved Martial Arts: While centered, your attacks gain +0.5[W] damage per rank. (Unarmed attacks count 1[W] as 1d6)
Dexterity / Wisdom: +1 Dex or Wis (2 AP)

Tier Two: (4 AP, Grandmaster of Flowers 1 Required)
Running with Wind: Innate Electricity resistance 4/8/12, and you gain a 10/20/30% Enhancement bonus to movement speed. (This does not stack with movement bonuses from items or the Haste spell.)
Serenity: Your passive Ki generation is increased by 1/2.
Improved Flurry of Blows: While unarmed, you attack as fast as a monk. While centered, you gain a 3% Epic bonus to your melee doublestrike chance. (2 AP)

Tier Three: (8 AP, Grandmaster of Flowers 2 Required)
Focused Ki Blast: Cost 20 Ki. 12 second cooldown. Ranged Area of Effect. Reflex saving throw for half.
Project a blast of pure Ki energy to damage enemies at range. The Focused Ki Blast will detonate upon hitting an enemy or solid object, damaging any nearby foes.
Walking with Waves: Innate Cold resistance 4/8/12, Your armor class is increased by 2/4/6
Perfection of Body: +2/4/6 Fortitude saves, and an additional +2 per rank to saves to resist poison and disease.
Light as a Feather: You gain immunity to damage from falling any distance, and the Slow Fall ability of a level 20 monk. (2 AP)

Tier Four: (12 AP, Grandmaster of Flowers 3 Required)
Standing with Stone: Innate Acid resistance 4/8/12, +5/10/15 Hit Points
Piercing Clarity: Your attacks bypass 5/10% of of enemy Fortification.
At rank 1: Your attacks gain Ghost Touch (ignoring Incorporeal)
At rank 2: Your attacks also ignore Concealment. (As if you had True Seeing)
Perfection of Mind: +2/4/6 Will saves, with an additional +2 per rank vs Mind Affecting/Compulsion effects

Tier Five: (16 AP, Grandmaster of Flowers 4 Required)
Crashing Meteor: Cost 25 Ki, 15 second cooldown. Point Blank Area of Effect. Reflex saving throw for half.
By performing the legendary Crashing Meteor technique, you may smash down upon your enemies with the force of a meteor falling from the heavens. Enemies in the vicinity of your attack may make a reflex saving throw for half damage. Any enemies who fail their Reflex save are knocked down by the force of your blow.
Dancing with Flame: Innate Fire resistance 4/8/12, You gain +1/2/3 to your to-hit and damage rolls.
Perfection of Soul: +2/4/6 Reflex saves, +1/2/3 to Diplomacy, Bluff, Haggle, and Intimidate

Tier Six: (20 AP, Grandmaster of Flowers 5 Required)
A Scattering of Petals: Cost 30 Ki, 60 second cooldown.
You focus your Ki into a handful of flower petals, and release them into the air, blinding nearby enemies and deflecting enemy blows. On Activation: Nearby enemies must make a Fortitude saving throw or become blinded. For the next 12 seconds, you have an additional 25% chance to dodge incoming enemy attacks.
Everything is Nothing (Heroic Moment): Cost: 50 Ki, 5 minute cooldown.
Every time you use a monk class Finishing Move, Ki Projection, Focused Ki Blast, Crashing Meteor, or A Scattering of Petals, you gain one stack of Perfect Peace. You must gain 50 stacks of Perfect Peace to attain the absolute understanding of the fundamental forces of the universe required to use this attack.
Activate: You have attained a brief moment of true enlightenment. Your state of luminous consciousness allows your will to alter the fabric of the planes, ripping your foes out of time and space.

All non-boss enemies in a large radius from you must make a Will Save, DC 10 + Character level + Wisdom modifier. If they fail, they are Erased (instant death, bypasses Death Ward) from reality, as if they had never existed.

If they succeed at the save, they are instead phased out of sync with the multiverse for six seconds, at which point they then re-appear in normal reality and take 1000 untyped damage from the shock to their corporeal form. (Fortitude save DC 10 + Character level + Wisdom modifier for half damage). They are Slowed for 15 seconds with no saving throw.

Granted Abilities:
Level 0: Inner Focus You gain 10 maximum Ki, plus 10 per level of Grandmaster of Flowers. If you do not have a Ki bar, you now have one. This Ki functions according to all the same rules that it does for a Monk. (Centered state, drain, equilibrium based on concentration skill, etc)
You also gain:
Inner Focus: Activated ability, 5 minute cooldown.
Actiavte: Instantly regain 25-125 ki.

Level 1: Centered Mind
The state you seek removes all grief, all craving, and all fear to bring mind, body, and soul into harmonious balance. This enhancement grants you Slippery Mind as a bonus feat, allowing you extra saving throw when you fail a save versus enchantments.

Level 2: Wholeness of Spirit Activated ability, 5 minute cooldown.
Activate: Instantly be affected by a Heal spell effect, and be cured of all poisons, diseases, exhaustion, fatigue, ability damage, ability drain, and negative levels that are affecting you.

Level 3: The Abiding Path You are no longer troubled by the world's demands. You are unhindered by slippery surfaces such as ice, grease, or flowing water.

Level 4: Ubiquity Your ability to traverse a battlefield is unparallelled. You can use the Tumble skill to pass through enemies, enabling you to evade or attack them by surprise from any side.

Level 5: Balance in All Things If you can succeed in purging yourself of the last traces of imperfection, you will know enlightenment. You are immune to most forms of knockdown.



All non-boss enemies in a large radius from you must make a Will Save, DC 10 + Character level + Wisdom modifier. If they fail, they are Erased (instant death, bypasses Death Ward) from reality, as if they had never existed.

All non-boss enemies in a large radius from you must make a Will Save, DC 10 + Character level + Wisdom modifier. If they fail, they are Erased (instant death, bypasses Death Ward) from reality, as if they had never existed.

All non-boss enemies in a large radius from you must make a Will Save, DC 10 + Character level + Wisdom modifier. If they fail, they are Erased (instant death, bypasses Death Ward) from reality, as if they had never existed.

All non-boss enemies in a large radius from you must make a Will Save, DC 10 + Character level + Wisdom modifier. If they fail, they are Erased (instant death, bypasses Death Ward) from reality, as if they had never existed.

All non-boss enemies in a large radius from you must make a Will Save, DC 10 + Character level + Wisdom modifier. If they fail, they are Erased (instant death, bypasses Death Ward) from reality, as if they had never existed.

All non-boss enemies in a large radius from you must make a Will Save, DC 10 + Character level + Wisdom modifier. If they fail, they are Erased (instant death, bypasses Death Ward) from reality, as if they had never existed.

All non-boss enemies in a large radius from you must make a Will Save, DC 10 + Character level + Wisdom modifier. If they fail, they are Erased (instant death, bypasses Death Ward) from reality, as if they had never existed.

All non-boss enemies in a large radius from you must make a Will Save, DC 10 + Character level + Wisdom modifier. If they fail, they are Erased (instant death, bypasses Death Ward) from reality, as if they had never existed.




Vicodin! написал(а):


не ругайся, никогда не видел "easy button"? ;-)



чё та лень чиат много букаф буржуйских... чё там7 нажал капу и все умерли? "убивает с первого удара а то и раньше" ???



Tier Three: (8 AP, Magister 2 Required)
Sigil of Energy Negation: Costs 20 SP. Inscribes a runic sigil on the ground where you designate. It remains there for 30/45/60 seconds and grants stacking resistance 20/40/60 vs. Fire, Cold, Electricity and Acid to you and any allies standing within its radius. No more than a single Sigil per caster can exist at one time – if you cast another, your previous one is erased. 30 second cooldown.
Variable Resistance: Whenever you take fire/cold/electric/acid damage, you gain 10 stacking resistance to that element for 1/2/3 minutes. If you are hit by the same energy type consecutively, the effect can stack up to 3 times for 30 stacking resistance. The whole stack is cleared if you take damage from a different energy type.
Piercing Spellcraft (Feat Prereq: Spell Penetration): You understand magical wardings well enough to know just how to breach such defenses. +1/2/3 bonus to spell penetration checks.
<School> Augmentation: The school this enhancement affects depends on what you chose for <School> Specialist. Hostile or non-hostile spells of that school have a 5/10/15% chance to proc an additional buff or debuff on the target when cast, as follows below.
· Conjuration (hostile only): -10 to the target’s reflex saves, 10/20/30 seconds.
· Evocation (hostile only): -10 to the target’s reflex saves, 10/20/30 seconds.
· Abjuration (non-hostile only): +5 to the target’s Armor Class, 1/2/3 minutes.
· Necromancy (hostile only): -5 to the target’s fortitude saves, 10/20/30 seconds.
· Enchantment (hostile only): -5 to the target’s will saves, 10/20/30 seconds.
· Illusion (hostile only): -5 to the target’s will saves, 10/20/30 seconds.
· Transmutation (hostile only): -5 to the target’s fortitude saves, 10/20/30 seconds.




Vicodin! написал(а):

You must gain 50 stacks of Perfect Peace

Vicodin! написал(а):

Every time you use a monk class Finishing Move, Ki Projection, Focused Ki Blast, Crashing Meteor, or A Scattering of Petals, you gain one stack of Perfect Peace


но ахуенно, да



The Legendary Dreadnought is the Epic Destiny thematically attached to the Fighter class.

A character with 6 levels of Fighter or 18 levels of Monk or Rogue will be able to select it as their starting destiny, but anyone can gain access to it by going through Shadowdancer, Grandmaster of Flowers, or Wild Hunter.

It primarily rewards melee characters that use the tactical feats (sunder, cleave, trip, etc.) and Action Boosts. Fighters are the ones most easily able to collect all of the combat stances and tactical feats, so although a lot of this tree would still be useful to, say, a Barbarian, it naturally fits best with the Fighter. Key abilities include Momentum Swing, a powerful single target attack that can follow up after cleave attacks, and their "Heroic Moment" – Master’s Blitz, which lets you dodge incoming damage 50% of the time, and grants a powerful but short duration damage buff that increases strength and duration every time you defeat an opponent.

Bold Red Text: Has feat prerequisites
Orange Border: 2 AP cost
Blue Background: Passive
Green Background: Active
Yellow Background: Heroic Moment (Active)

Tier One: (0 AP, Legendary Dreadnought 0 Required)
Sundering Swings: Prereq: Improved Sunder. Activate: For the next (9/12/15) seconds, all attacks you make apply an Improved Sunder effect on hit. 60 second cooldown.
Legendary Tactics: +(2/4/6) to DC’s of all tactical feats.
Extra Action Boost: +(2/4/6) Action Boosts
Action Boost: Attack: Action Boost: Activate to gain a +(15/20/25) Action Boost bonus to attack for 20 seconds. 30 second cooldown.
Strength or Constitution: +1 Str or Con (2 AP)

Tier Two: (4 AP, Legendary Dreadnought 1 Required)
Momentum Swing: Prereq: Cleave. Tactical Melee Attack: Perform an attack with +5[W] damage, +(1/2/3) Critical Threat Range and Critical Damage Multiplier. Cleave attacks have a (15/30/50)% chance to reset the cooldown of this ability. You must have Power Attack active to perform this ability. 60 second cooldown.
Improved Combat Expertise: Prereq: Combat Expertise. The Combat Expertise feat grants an additional 10 Armor Class.
Improved Power Attack: Prereq: Power Attack. When the Power Attack stance is active, you deal +1[W] damage with melee weapons.
Action Boost: Damage: Activate to gain a (+20/+25/+30)% Action Boost bonus to weapon damage for 20 seconds. 30 second cooldown.
Strength or Constitution: +1 Str or Con (2 AP)

Tier Three: (8 AP, Legendary Dreadnought 2 Required)
Lay Waste: Prereq: Cleave. Tactical Melee Cleave: Perform an Area of Effect attack with +5[W] damage. On Hit: Knocks the target down, Balance DC (10 + Character Level + Strength Modifier) Negates. Momentum Swing has a 25% chance to reset the cooldown of this ability. You must have Power Attack active to perform this ability. 60 second cooldown.
Critical Damage: (+2/+4/+6) to critical hit damage (before weapon multipliers).
Action Boost: Haste: Activate to gain a +(20/25/30)% Action Boost bonus to attack speed for 20 seconds. 30 second cooldown.
Strength or Constitution: +1 Str or Con (2 AP)

Tier Four: (12 AP, Legendary Dreadnought 3 Required)
Tactical Genius: Activate to clear the cooldowns of all Tactical feats. (2 AP) 5 minute cooldown.
Anvil of Thunder: Tactical Melee Attack: On Hit: 100 Sonic damage. On Critical: Target is dazed for 6 seconds. On Vorpal: Target is stunned for 6 seconds. Requires an axe, hammer, or pick to be equipped in your main hand. (2 AP) 12 second cooldown.
Volcano’s Edge: Tactical Melee Attack: On Hit: 100 Fire damage. On Critical: Target is affected a magma surge, dealing 3d20 fire damage every 2 seconds for 8 seconds. On Vorpal: Target’s fire vulnerability is increased by 100% for 10 seconds. Requires a kama, knife, sickle, or sword to be equipped in your main hand. (2 AP) 12 second cooldown.
Lightning Mace: Tactical Melee Attack: On Hit: 100 Electrical damage. On Critical: Gain +25% melee doublestrike for 6 seconds. On Vorpal: Target’s electrical vulnerability is increased by 100% for 10 seconds. Requires a club, greatclub, mace, morningstar, or quarterstaff to be equipped in your main hand. (2 AP) 12 second cooldown.
Strength or Constitution: +1 Str or Con (2 AP)

Tier Five: (16 AP, Legendary Dreadnought 4 Required)
Advancing Blows: You gain On Melee Critical Hit: +1 to hit and damage for 6 seconds. Stacks 5 times. (2 AP)
Devastating Critical: +1 Critical Damage Multiplier on rolls of 19-20. (2 AP)
Strength or Constitution: +1 Str or Con (2 AP)

Tier Six: (20 AP, Legendary Dreadnought 5 Required)
Master’s Blitz (Heroic Moment): The Master’s Blitz counter increments each time a Tactical Feat is successfully used. When the counter reaches 50, you gain the ability to use Master’s Blitz. Activate: For 10 seconds, you gain +50% dodge and deal +25% melee damage. Any time you kill an opponent while under the effects of Master’s Blitz, you gain an additional stack of the melee damage bonus and restart the duration. If you are below 50% health when you first activate this ability, you start with two stacks of increased damage instead of one. The damage bonus stacks up to 100 times. (2 AP) 5 minute cooldown.
Monkey Grip: Prereq: Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Bastard Sword. Activate: Shifts your grip on an equipped greatsword to one handed, allowing you to use a shield or one handed off-hand weapon with it at the same time. (One handed weapons receive reduced power attack and ability score bonuses.) (2 AP) 15 second cooldown.
Pulverizer: Increases the critical threat range of bludgeoning weapons you equip by 1. (2 AP)
Headman’s Chop: Increases the critical threat multiplier on rolls of 19-20 of axes you equip by an additional 1. (2 AP)
Strength or Constitution: +1 Str or Con (2 AP)

Granted Abilities:
Level 0 Legendary Dreadnought: Shrug Off Punishment: +10 Max Health per level of Legendary Dreadnought (including this one).
Level 1 Legendary Dreadnought: Action Hero: Reduces the cooldowns of your Action Boost abilities by 33%.
Level 2 Legendary Dreadnought: Unstoppable: Activate to remove all Crowd Control effects currently restraining you. 3 minute cooldown.
Level 3 Legendary Dreadnought: Unmovable: Action Boost:Activate to gain +20 to Fortitude and Balance saves for 60 seconds. 90 second cooldown (including Action Hero bonus).
Level 4 Legendary Dreadnought: Thick Skinned: Action Boost: Activate to take 25% less damage from all sources for 30 seconds. 2 minute cooldown (including Action Hero bonus).
Level 5 Legendary Dreadnought: Combat Brute: You gain +1[W] damage with melee weapons and deal +50% damage to helpless opponents while any Action Boost is active.



velom написал(а):


ничуть, если учесть, что генерация ки ахиренно огромная и есть клика на 25-125 ки моментально.
50 зарядов это примерно минут 7-10 имхо.
Раз в 10 минут у*ашить всех вокруг это OP!



Vicodin! написал(а):

Раз в 10 минут у*ашить всех вокруг это OP!

ну и по традиции первые пару недель можно будет ваншотить энд-боссов )
А что там с варваром? А то файтер с дестини как-то круто выглядит.



с нетерпением жду про дивайнов.


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