Shintao Monk:
Bastion of purity:
Each AP spent grants +1 Positive energy spellpower. Also 5% healing amp per core ability from tree.
Protection from Tainted Creatures:
+2 Deflection bonus to AC and +2 Resistance bonus to saves vs. tainted creatures. Unarmed bypasses Byeshk DR.
Iron Hand:
Unarmed bypasses Cold Iron DR.
Argent Fist:
Bonuses increase to +4. Unarmed bypasses Silver DR.
Touch of the Void Dragon:
Ki activate: Expend meditation to gain 1d4+1 Insight bonus to all ability scores for 1 minute (1 minute CD).
To Seek Perfection:
+2 Wis, bonuses increase to +6. You no longer suffer penalties from Meditation of War (tier 5 ability).
Tier 1:
Elemental Curatives (2 AP): Your healing ki finisher now also cures curses/blindness/disease/applies lesser resto effect, 4 of these, 1 in each tier. They are all toggles.
Defensive Strikes (3 ranks)(2 AP): Defensive Stance: +15/25/35 Insight bonus to PRR, 25/50/75% Insight bonus to threat gen and 1/3/5% bonus to dodge. Your chance to trigger offhand attacks is reduced by 40% on all tiers.
Reed in the Wind (requires Defensive Strikes)(3 ranks): As the kensei enhancement.
Ki Shout (requires Defensive Strikes)(2 AP): 15 Ki, 15 sec CD. Intim based on concentration skill and sharing CD with concentration skill.
Exemplar (3 ranks): +1/2/3 Heal and Intimidate and +0/0/10% threat gen.
Tier 2:
Smite Tainted Creature - Jade Strike (tier 3) - Tomb of Jade (tier 4) - Kukan-do (tier 5): Each require 2 AP, and the previous one in the line. Looks as if they function as on live.
Iron Skin (requires Defensive Strikes)(3 ranks): +5/10/15 PRR while in stance.
Elemental Ki Strikes: See henshin mystic.
Conditioning (3 ranks): +1/2/3 Concentration and Fortitude saves, and +5/10/15 HP.
Tier 3:
Dismissing Strike (2 AP): As on live.
Con or Wis (2 AP): +1 Con/Wis
Tier 4:
Instinctive Defense (requires Iron Skin)(3 ranks): -5/?/?% less damage when struck while helpless.
Con or Wis (requires Con or Wis rank 1): +1 Con/Wis
Tier 5:
Rise of the Phoenix (Requires the 4 Elemental Curatives)(2 AP): While you are centered and have above 100 ki you cannot drop below -9 HP. If you drop to 0 or fewer HP you will rise after a few moments in a fiery explosion and are healed for 1000 hp. This ability deactivates until you rest.
Violence Begets Violence (requires Instinctive Defense)(2 AP): While Defensive Strikes is active, up to once per second when an opponent attacks you, you gain +1 crit threat range for 6 seconds, stacks up to 20 times, and removed if you crit.
Meditation of War (2 AP): Toggle, additional benefits in different stances (note that the penalties are removed if you posses the shintao capstone):
Fire: +2 Insight bonus to Damage and DCs on Stun, Sunder and Trip. -5 AC.
Water: +5 Insight bonus to max dodge bonus. -10% damage with attacks.
Earth: +10 Insight bonus to PRR and +3% insight bonus to max HP. -5% dodge cap.
Wind: +2 Insight bonus to hit, +5% insight bonus to offhand attack chance. You take 5% more physical and elemental damage.
Empty Hand Mastery (2 AP): Your unarmed weapon die size is increased from 1d6 to 1d8