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Гильдия Doomdancers

Гильдия Doomdancers


так же в магазине игры дополнения по 99 тп!!!

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Вы здесь » Гильдия Doomdancers » Флудильня » Update 18

Update 18

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Klinik написал(а):

а 28й лвл надо будет отдельно докупать? там будут новые фиты или просто слот на 27м добавят?

Уровни были бесплатными, когда вводили МоТУ и судьбы. Про новые фиты не в курсе



The Master's Gift
1 МЛ

15 МЛ войс с 40 хп падает из 3 квеста, т.е требует предзаказ Shadowfell Conspiracy.

Update 18 Named Items

https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/417013 - ошибка отображения spell power + у кастеров украли 3% шанса крита из энхансов.



Official Known Issues

NEW: The three new Update 18 quests will not stay granted on your character after you disconnect or log out. If a player disconnects while running the quest they will need to talk to the NPC to begin the quest again. Players who complete these quests should make sure to pick up their end rewards prior to logging out or disconnecting.

NEW: Killing the Spinner of Shadows too quickly can interfere with her drama and cause the quest to be uncompletable.

NEW: Half-elves cannot use race-restricted gear that includes the race Human in its restriction (unless the UMD requirement is met.)



Diamond of Vitality +20 - Found in:  The Crucible: Chest Location currently unconfirmed, reported to be Water chest.

Shiradi double rainbow procs removed? - похоже убрали перманент доты у Ширади

Another new bug? Melee and Archers Focus - арчер фокус увеличивает мили-дамаг



Kuzya написал(а):

Diamond of Vitality +20 - Found in:  The Crucible: Chest Location currently unconfirmed, reported to be Water chest.

Еще можно выковырять из нового Minos Legens (который после 18го апдейта)



Lamannia Release Notes: Update 18 Patch 2



One of the other changes we are working on for the upcoming Expansion release is a change to the way quest repetition XP penalty works. Currently whenever you repeat the same quest over and over, the XP degrades until the quest permanently gives little to no XP. With the Expansion, we will allow the penalty to reset after a grace period, similar to the way chest loot ransack works.

Next a new daily bonus is being added to quest completions. Every day, a quest will have a bonus added to the base XP value. Playing the quest on any difficulty level qualifies for this daily bonus.

Finally, we will be adding a new way to receive bonus XP: Sagas. New NPCs will be arriving in Eberron and Faerûn who chronicle the deeds of heroes across multiple story archs/adventure packs. By completing all the quests in a given Saga, you can speak with the Saga NPC to claim an extra reward such as a large one-time XP grant, guild XP, or even tomes. The quality of those rewards can also be influenced by running the quests on higher difficulties.


ок, ты уже в соседней теме написал, я нуб и опозорился

Отредактировано velom (20.06.2013 16:36:01)



https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.p … ost5026695



Сори пронубил. Что бы извлечь The Master's Gift надо класть обе вещи с сета.

Отредактировано Sol_ua (22.11.2014 20:27:42)


Вы здесь » Гильдия Doomdancers » Флудильня » Update 18