наверняка умельцы найдут как проходить за час со всеми опционалами. и я мечтательно надеюсь чо они сделают чобы прохождения квеста можно было разбить на этапы, хоть неделю делай, завсегда можно вернуться ну в течении недели без штрафа. ну там специальные выходы забубенить чоль. хотя это можно было бы сделать через механизм саг и последовательное открывание входа в цепочку квестов
Update 21
Сообщений 31 страница 60 из 97
Поделиться3222.01.2014 13:08:23
на 5й раз лично я возненавижу сей квест.
ненавидь, разрешаем )))
Поделиться3322.01.2014 14:23:34
А так это целая зона, я подумал на один квест 1,5-5 часов
Я так понял, что один квест.
Question: Is this one quest . . . that I need to commit 90 minutes to 5 hours to complete? Or is it a chain like everything else in the game?
Right now Haunted Halls is one primary quest, with additional content that can be unlocked once you've beaten the primary path the first time. The additional content is "Whisper's Crypt", which Ed Greenwood intended for the original module but was not published.
Play it and give us your feedback on the length! There are multiple optionals (in the spirit of the original module).
Haunted Halls is Epic, CR 28.
The optionals will have specific loot (but not for this round).
And yep, we're discussing guild ship buffs as well. Haunted Halls is a specific thing (don't expect longer runs as a standard), but I expect we'll take a hard look at buffs and durations when we update guild airships in U22.
Поделиться3422.01.2014 15:44:52
Хмм, ну если так, то мне лично видится что-то заковыристое, навроде The Pit.
Поделиться3522.01.2014 15:44:59
ничто не ново:
with additional content that can be unlocked once you've beaten the primary path the first time.
так же как в Литании - сколько занимает полное прохождение всех 4х боссов в Литании по сравнению с тем сколько надо времени добежать до дракона
Отредактировано np (22.01.2014 15:47:28)
Поделиться3622.01.2014 15:54:28
Да, мне тоже литанию напомнило.
Поделиться3722.01.2014 15:56:52
ничто не ново:
так же как в Литании - сколько занимает полное прохождение всех 4х боссов в Литании по сравнению с тем сколько надо времени добежать до дракона
Отредактировано np (Сегодня 15:47:28)
и все это будет флагом в новый, 10-часовой рейд. БХАХАХАХАХА.
Который в 9 монкчеров пройдут за 25 минут.
Поделиться3822.01.2014 15:57:22
a народ в каналах вчера стебался: Tangleroot 2.0 ?
Поделиться3922.01.2014 19:22:05
Поделиться4024.01.2014 06:08:33
Новый крафт за валоркоммс и ингредиенты из рейда
вайлдернесс раз в 5 больше стормхорнсов )))
вот что весьма радует - так это +2 вкладки в инвентори
Lamannia Release Notes: Update 21
Welcome to the Lamannia Release Notes for Dungeons & Dragons Online! These release notes were posted on Thursday, January 23rd, 2014. These notes are subject to changes and additions... lots and lots of changes and additions.
News & Notes
We are getting our first look at the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar and the Thunderholme Adventure Area. Both of these areas are premium content. Please note that things are still in an early state. Loot is not yet ready for preview. If you happen to stumble upon an unknown item, please remember that it is not finished and will likely be changed entirely. Deco is still incomplete: some areas have had attention, but others are still bare. Monsters have not been balanced. Voice overs are approximately half-finished. However, the primary path through the Haunted Halls and Thunderholme should be completable. Also note that the Extended and Director’s Cut versions of Haunted Halls can be played after completing the base quest once.U21 Quests and Adventure Area:
The Haunted Halls of Eveningstar:
Speak with Alyn Farrago sitting near the entrance to the Lonesome Tankard in Eveningstar to claim the quest. Then travel across the Eveningstar Bridge and up the river a bit to reach the entrance. (It is to the left of the Storm Horns entrance.)
The Ruins of Thunderholme Adventure Area:
Beyond the Eveningstar Bridge lies the Thunder Peaks public area. (Northeast corner of Eveningstar)
The Thunder Peaks public area is available to Free to Play, Premium, and VIP players.
The entrance to the Ruins of Thunderholme is up the hill at the northern edge of the Thunder Peaks public area.
The entrance to the Storm Horns is now to the left of the Thunder Peaks entrance in Eveningstar.Reincarnation:
Epic Completionist is now available:
You gain another Twist of Fate slot once you have 3 Epic Past Lives in each Epic Destiny Sphere (12 Epic Past Lives total).
Like all other Twist of Fate slots, you must pay Fate Points to unlock and upgrade it.
Note that the 3 Epic Past Lives in an Epic Destiny Sphere can be 3 stacks of a single Epic Past Life, 1 stack each of three different Epic Past Lives, or 1 stack of one Epic Past Live and 2 stacks of another.
If you have already attained Epic Completionist, you should automatically gain the additional Twist of Fate slot.Quest Experience Changes:
The second set of Quest Experience Changes is in! (Details may see further adjustment in the future.)
Experience for 1 quest has been decreased:
The Jungle of Khyber
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 42,693
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 23,299
Experience for 17 quests has been increased:
Chains of Flame
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 18,661
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 28,459
In The Belly of the Beast
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 18,661
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 21,375
The House of Death Undone
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 13,243
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 14,500
Trial By Fury
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 16,336
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 25,692
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 10,151
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 13,085
Thorn and Paw
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 14,762
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 19,868
The Druid's Curse
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 17,005
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 21,206
Friends in Low Places
Previous Base XP on Heroic Normal: 5,733
New Base XP on Heroic Normal: 6,050
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 22,762
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 26,804
A Lesson in Deception
Previous Base XP on Heroic Normal: 4,433
New Base XP on Heroic Normal: 4,685
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 17,575
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 18,774
The Thrill of the Hunt
Previous Base XP on Heroic Normal: 2,850
New Base XP on Heroic Normal: 4,283
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 11,257
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 17,611
Army of Shadow
Previous Base XP on Heroic Normal: 4,173
New Base XP on Heroic Normal: 5,303
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 16,537
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 22,490
Through a Mirror Darkly
Previous Base XP on Heroic Normal: 6,166
New Base XP on Heroic Normal: 8,855
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 24,491
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 42,314
The Tracker's Trap
Previous Base XP on Heroic Normal: 4,113
New Base XP on Heroic Normal: 7,771
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 14,990
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 29,851
Lines of Supply
Previous Base XP on Heroic Normal: 4,206
New Base XP on Heroic Normal: 4,734
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 15,333
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 16,388
Breaking the Ranks
Previous Base XP on Heroic Normal: 3,553
New Base XP on Heroic Normal: 4,478
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 12,939
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 14,807
A Break in the Ice
Previous Base XP on Heroic Normal: 6,700
New Base XP on Heroic Normal: 6,864
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 24,471
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 26,203
What Goes Up
Previous Base XP on Heroic Normal: 8,462
New Base XP on Heroic Normal: 15,854
Previous Base XP on Epic Normal: 30,928
New Base XP on Epic Normal: 61,110Recent Changes to Enhancements:
Cleric Radiant Servant
Positive Energy Aura should now work properly, even when you don't have anything targeted.
Druid Season’s Herald
Time and Tide should now properly add to max caster level and caster level
Fighter Kensei
Deadly shot should now function properly.
Paladin Knight of the Chalice
The increased healing from the Vigor of Life enhancements is no longer sometimes removed upon dying.
Ranger Arcane Archer
The Arcane Archer tree's core abilities now properly add the correct enhancement bonus to the bow you are wielding in all circumstances.
Rogue Assassin
Venomed Blades will no longer prevent Rogue Assassinate from working.Miscellaneous Changes:
The Monk's Quivering Palm ability is getting some revisions related to its DC, as part of investigation into balancing Death effects. Quivering Palm no longer benefits from Sundering bonuses. However, whenever an enemy saves vs. Quivering Palm, you get a stacking +4 bonus to your Quivering Palm DC. This stack is dispelled when you successfully kill someone with Quivering Palm. We are keeping an eye on these numbers and they may be changed in the future.
This is the full text of Quivering Palm:
Melee Attack: Deliver a fatal attack by sending waves of vibrations through your target. A successful Fortitude save negates this effect. (DC = 10 + 1/2 Monk Level + Wisdom Modifier). When an enemy saves vs. Quivering Palm, you gain a stacking +4 Perseverance bonus to your Quivering Palm DC until you kill an enemy with Quivering Palm (or 3 minutes pass)."
All crafting XP boosting potions have been buffed to grant a much larger boost to earned crafting XP and now last twice as long (30 minutes instead of 15 minutes). The percentage boosts used to range from 5% to 25% and now range from 10% to 100%.
Crafting recipe success boosters (special ingredients) have been boosted as well. These special consumable ingredients boost your success chance for a given recipe run. The percentage boosts used to range from 3% to 20% and now range from 10% to 35%.
A new command: "/raid completions" will list raids and the number of times you have completed them.
Fred is now smarter about toughness feats and other feats that stack. Additionally, you can now differentiate between a feat taken at different levels. For example: If you took toughness at level 1, 12 and 18. You can choose to swap out the level 1 version.
Epic Otto's Irresistible Box now additionally contains 1300 Commendations of Valor. This includes those previously purchased.
Ice Games and Festivult coins now have their own header for organization in the Collectibles Bag.
The +1 and +2 Spell Focus augments (Topaz of <spell school> and Topaz of Greater <spell school>) stack with Spell Focus bonuses on regular equipment. (They do not stack with each other.)
There is a new loading screen tip: "You can purchase a stack of multiple items all at once. To do so, control + left click on the item in the shop window, then type in the desired quantity."
DM Text now shows for longer if it's a bigger phrase.
Epic Feats: First Blood - The damage dealt by First Blood has been increased from 5-100 to 50-300.
You can now re-roll a chest up to three times.Bug Fixes:
Fixed several more issues where the Monster Manual would not credit you with a kill of a given creature. The following enemies from Gianthold should properly appear in the Monster Manual:
Duncan the Wayfarer
Gold Concord Cleric
Gold Concord Fighter
Gold Concord Wizard
Silver Concord Ranger
Halfling Captive
Copper Concord Rogue
Human Paladin
Copper Concord Bard
Silver Concord Fighter
Fixed a bug in Through a Mirror Darkly, which would create an increasingly harsh bright lighting effect the more players you had huddled in close proximity to each other. Consequently, this blew out the Shadowfell Effect and made it seem particularly unbearable.
Fixed an instance where the Shadowfell Overlay effect would sometimes run after resurrecting from death. This would sometimes result in a double Shadowfell overlay effect in certain quests, such as Through a Mirror Darkly.
Augment Summoning has had its description updated to specify that it does work on pets.
The spells Banishment and Dismissal no longer cost additional Spell Points while Heighten Metamagic is active, as Heighten does not affect those spells.
Characters who are currently undead are now immune to the Fatigued effect from exiting the Barbarian Rage state.
The Rugged Woodsman in Poaching for the Poacher now specifies how many Gamey Venison or Fox Tails he needs.
All potions should now be able to be used while enraged.
In the Auction House, the item "Snow Elemental Gem" will now be listed under "Gems" instead of "Tomes".
Items which grant "Weaken Construct" or "Weaken Undead" while equipped now function with unarmed and ranged attacks, not just melee weapons.
The Quiver of Poison is now Bind on Acquire, instead of claiming it was Bind on Equip, as this type of item is unable to function properly as Bind on Equip.
The challenge ingredient costs for Crafting Satchels have been adjusted.
Targets stunned by Soundburst are now considered helpless.
Artificer pets now bark less frequently.
Epic Destinies: Grandmaster of Flowers - Light as a Feather now properly negates falling damage under all circumstances.
Teleport Spell: The "Teleport to Crafting Hall" selection now takes you to the House Cannith crafting hall, instead of House Kundarak.
Greater Dragonmark of Passage: Now allows teleportation to the Harbor, The Twelve, and the House Cannith Crafting Hall.
Grasp the Earth Dragon no longer sometimes triggers enemy-targeted effects on allies.
Pets using alignment gear such as good, evil, chaotic and lawful, will now retain it upon summing.
Quest Completion timers should be behave better now. For clarity, the timer starts when you enter the dungeon. Quest Completion timers now output seconds as well.
The exit out of Brothers of the Forge now works properly.
Heroic Sagas now properly count quests that you complete on Heroic Casual.
Human and Half-elf males will no longer jump to the side when using a sword and shield or jump back when using a two-handed weapon.
The Epic Past Life "Block Energy" now always stacks with Unyielding Sentinel ability Block Energy (multiplicatively). A single Block Energy past life now correctly gives 10% reduction, as per the text.
Morninglords now have most traits of Elves, including proficiency with Longbows, Shortbows, Rapiers, Longswords, immunity to sleep effects, inherent saving throws vs. enchantments, and bonuses to Listen, Search, and Spot.
Great Cleave's animation for many races is now the same as Cleave, which was already true for other races.
Fixed some cases where offhand doublestrike would only trigger if the mainhand also had Doublestrike.
An Offering of Blood: The Heroic Aspect of Cunning will no longer try to muscle in on the Epic Hard and Epic Elite runs of the quest.
Typing more than 250 characters will no longer delete the first characters typed. Instead, you will be prevented from typing more.
Shiradi Champion abilities should no longer cause self-harm when casting certain spells.
Epic Chimera's Crown now works with the Greater Dragonmark of Passage.
The Birthday Cake of Wishes and the Six Year Old Cake once again function properly when used.
Отредактировано np (24.01.2014 07:12:41)
Поделиться4124.01.2014 07:41:04
The Quiver of Poison is now Bind on Acquire, instead of claiming it was Bind on Equip, as this type of item is unable to function properly as Bind on Equip.
не смогли пофиксить - сделаем ВАИ
Great Cleave's animation for many races is now the same as Cleave, which was already true for other races.
Поделиться4224.01.2014 14:59:37
И пальмистов понерфили. Quivering Palm больше не тактикал фит и никакие бонусы не работают на него.
Epic Otto's Irresistible Box now additionally contains 1300 Commendations of Valor. This includes those previously purchased.
You can now re-roll a chest up to three times.
Moar P2W
Поделиться4331.01.2014 12:37:18
Новая судьба Divine Crusader.
Обновили Lamannia Release Notes (Last Updated 1-30-2014).
The XP bonus found on Experience Elixirs, VIP bonuses, Guild Airship amenities and items now also increases the Commendation of Valor return found in End Reward lists.
Войс, шрина, вип, пот увеличивают, том экспы не работает.
Поделиться4431.01.2014 13:53:47
NEW: Epic Moment Counters should no longer be reset when you go through a portal within a quest.
Вот это охуенно. Да здравствует вечный блитц!
Поделиться4531.01.2014 15:41:09
Вот это охуенно. Да здравствует вечный блитц!
Давно пора это сделать. Задалбывает что не можешь набрать фьри или еин из-за порталов/телепортов. Ну и блиц само-собой
Поделиться4631.01.2014 18:23:46
NEW: Epic Moment Counters should no longer be reset when you go through a portal within a quest.
Вот это охуенно. Да здравствует вечный блитц!
Давно пора это сделать. Задалбывает что не можешь набрать фьри или еин из-за порталов/телепортов. Ну и блиц само-собой
игра все скучнее и скучнее... да здравствуют 3-4 билда.. проще все остальное из генерации чара вообще тогда выкинуть, что уж там
хоть в TTMD блитцеры осаживались, так нет - наныли на форумах... enjoy
Поделиться4704.02.2014 19:27:32
The 2014 DDO Players Council Member List
С Аргоннессена Kwyjibo из гильдии Ascent.
Поделиться4805.02.2014 19:18:41
Some things we're considering:
Change Exalted Angel towards more Offensive Casting, particularly for DC casting and Light spell damage.
Change Unyielding Sentinel towards more Tanking & Support, including being the best healing Destiny in the Divine Sphere.
Aim Divine Crusader as a primarily offensive melee destiny, but would likely retain most of its current abilities, including some area support and Fire spell damage.
Moving existing melee abilities out of Exalted Angel and into Divine Crusader (with possibility of relatively minor modifications along the way, such as removing the Righteous Fervor requirement from Strike Down and balancing appropriately... which could be either up or down).
Moving Renewal into Unyielding Sentinel. Look into adding some other support/healing abilities to Unyielding Sentinel.
Move some offensive casting from Divine Crusader into Exalted Angel, and add some new abilities to replace the missing ones.
Healing would still be available to some extent to all Divine Destinies.
Re-examining the Exalted Angel requirements for Righteous Fervor and Endless Ardor in any case.
Continuing to examine existing Unyielding Sentinel abilities.We're happy to hear continued feedback. These changes can meaningfully alter how some existing characters function, which we don't like to do lightly.
Перетасуют дивайн судьбы.
Поделиться4907.02.2014 17:03:02
Update 21 Treasure Preview
Как я понял, отказались от NHE версий лута. Будет одна вещь с апгрейдом за коммендации валора.
Поделиться5007.02.2014 18:41:31
Each item can be upgraded once, using Zhentarim tokens
новая хрень
Отредактировано Evgen (07.02.2014 18:43:10)
Поделиться5211.02.2014 17:31:14
- Heavy: 30 DR/Epic, 60 DR/Epic while below 75% health - есть мобы, с которыми это будет работать?
Поделиться5311.02.2014 17:35:13
Если честно, шмотки гавно, а-ля FOT. Разве что, кроме друидского щита.
Отредактировано Evgen (11.02.2014 17:35:40)
Поделиться5411.02.2014 19:04:02
я думаю это для несуществующих танков. потом может оно стекается со сталварткими приблудами
Поделиться5511.02.2014 19:25:20
Если честно, шмотки гавно, а-ля FOT.
Еще и 28 МЛ.
Поделиться5612.02.2014 10:17:45
Уже хочу вот это:
+11 enhancement bonus
Shade Phase - clicky 20 seconds, 3 uses
130% fortification
Blue augment slot
By Armor type:
- Robe: +3 Profane bonus to Concentration, +1 Profane bonus to Spell DCs, +1 Profane bonus to tactics DCs
Одну шмотку проще чем 2 выбить А перчи иллюзиониста и интрикейты мне видимо не судьба...
Отредактировано Elisenvaara (12.02.2014 10:19:12)
Поделиться5712.02.2014 14:26:21
Улучшат нерейдовые предметы. Неклейс с +4 Insightful Con и Dex. Орб с 11 Int и Cha.
Поделиться5814.02.2014 19:33:27
Поделиться5918.02.2014 01:23:34
- Heavy: 30 DR/Epic, 60 DR/Epic while below 75% health - есть мобы, с которыми это будет работать?
Что-то я не понял вопроса. Думаешь, все мобы эпик др пробивают? На моей памяти эпик др пробивают эпическая Королева Лейлит и еще какой-то моб, не помню кто. А кто еще я хз.
Поделиться6018.02.2014 10:04:45
Что-то я не понял вопроса. Думаешь, все мобы эпик др пробивают? На моей памяти эпик др пробивают эпическая Королева Лейлит и еще какой-то моб, не помню кто. А кто еще я хз.
Я конкретно спросил то, что спросил, т.к. не знаю кто из мобов его пробивает, особенно на ЕЕ, и есть ли смысл такую броню забабахать.