… tcount=341
Turbine Community Team:
We are aware of an issue where players can trade items that are normally restricted. We will be fixing this in the future, but in the meantime, please do not engage in this exploit. Players caught may face disciplinary action.
Also, just a reminder, we do not allow players to explain how exploits are done on our community sites. It's okay to vent frustration within the community guidelines, or discuss this topic in a way that does not provide detail about how an exploit is done, but if you do discuss exploit details or disciplinary action taken against you or others, you may face additional disciplinary action.
Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.
Реакция турбины на эксплойт: "не используйте эксплойт, пожалуйста... кто спалится - тому будет атата... ну, наверное... если словим... может быть"