Это "отговорил от эльфа/дроу".
По сабжу.
Ушат, имхо качай пала. Ибо.
Paladin Divine Righteousness I: Activate this ability to gain a double sacred bonus to the hate generated by your melee attacks and spells for 60 seconds, making monsters more likely to attack you. Consumes a use of turn undead.
AP Cost: 1, Level: 6, Progression: 19.
Paladin Armor Class Boost IV: Activate this ability to receive a +5 bonus to Armor Class.
AP Cost: 4 Level: 10 Progression: 32 Requires: Paladin Armor Class Boost III
Paladin Bulwark of Good IV: Your aura of good provides an additional +4 Armor Class bonus.
AP Cost: 4 Level: 15 Progression: 52 Requires: Paladin Bulwark of Good III
(насколько мне известно, аура действует И на тебя. хотя надо тестить)
Paladin Defender of Siberys III
Usage: Passive
Cost: 2 action points
Progression: 66 action points
Requires One of the Following: Bladesworn Transformation, Silver Flame Exorcism, Undying Call, Unyielding Sovereignty, Vulkoor's Avatar
Requires All of: Paladin Bulwark of Good III, Paladin Resistance of Good III, Paladin Defender of Siberys II
Available to Paladin class level 18
Protecting the weak from the depredations of the strong, you continue your training as a paragon of defense. This prestige enhancement increases the strength of all of your defensive auras, and further increases the maximum dexterity bonus allowed by tower shields and medium or heavy armor by an additional 1. When using a shield, you now generate 75% additional threat from all sources. You also gain the ability to enter a superior defensive stance or to defy your enemies in a glorious stand against evil.
This enhancement automatically grants the following:
Defender of Siberys III: Superior Defensive Stance [active]
You may expend a Paladin armor boost to become a bastion of defense, gaining a +6 Sacred bonus to Strength and Constitution, +20% maximum hit points, a +3 Sacred bonus on all saves, and a +4 Dodge bonus to Armor Class. You also gain a 75% Sacred bonus to threat generated with your melee attacks. While in this stance, you move 10% slower.
Defender of Siberys III: Glorious Stand
You may expend a turn undead to make a glorious stand against your enemies. For a short duration of time, you gain DR 20/epic, take reduced damage from elemental and negative energy, receive double healing from positive energy, and are immune to secondary effects of attacks such as 'wounding' or 'vorpal'. /*хм.... а не становишься ли ты иммунным к дебаффам ЛоБа?*/
Duration: 30 sec Cooldown: ~3 min
Имхо лучший танк это Con-Cha based Defender of Siberys. Думаю дварф или хуман. Надо считать. Железяка не нужен. Нету у него ничего особа вкусного именно для танкинга. Иммуны итак будут (пойзон, дизиз, дэсвард, фом, блайнднесс). Так что ВФ отпадает автоматом.
Belt of the Defenders of Siberys - Belt: Constitution +6, Greater False Life [Genesis Point]
Band of Siberys - Ring: Strength +6, Exceptional Charisma +1, Incredible Potential
Set Bonus: 15% additional threat from melee attacks
If have Defender of Siberys III Enhancement: +2 AC (stacking)