рунарм... вот про рунарм я ничего не знаю... я вообще своего механика лепил как заготовку для 34пт арти, тока арти еще открывать надо..
Update 14: Menace of the Underdark
Сообщений 331 страница 360 из 527
Поделиться33204.06.2012 12:04:33
Ну думми на корабле они с рунармом быстро разбирают
а вот это смешно. думи не показатель дпс от слова совсем. я АА поставил рекорд в 9секунд. но обычно трачу 12. а он у меня убог даже для аа...
Поделиться33304.06.2012 12:19:03
за счет чего это арти дпснее механика?
бонус инты к дамаге, +6 конжурные болты, веынй дедли али другой баф, рунарм всекающий овердохера дамаги
такие пироги
рунарм... вот про рунарм я ничего не знаю...
рунармы: Монкоблокнот
тока арти еще открывать надо..
если будешь себя хорошо вести и есть пак челенджей/много токенов, то можешь попробывать попросить лютика, хехе
Поделиться33404.06.2012 12:52:40
если будешь себя хорошо вести и есть пак челенджей
пак есть. а что означает хорошо себя вести?
Поделиться33504.06.2012 12:55:22
бонус инты к дамаге, +6 конжурные болты, веынй дедли али другой баф, рунарм всекающий овердохера дамаги
такие пироги
ну, инта в дамаге и так есть, баф дамага приходит с арти или барда со свитком, +овердохуя сники.
рунармы? не, не слышал...
рунармы: Монкоблокнот
спасибо за ссыль, но мне в отрыве от практики неинтересно пока цифери считать, вот открою арти Трнусь и пойду зачитывать до дыр... если к тому моменту никто не опровергнет =)
Поделиться33604.06.2012 14:33:26
а что означает хорошо себя вести?
зная лютика очевидно же: не наркоманить
баф дамага приходит с барда со свитком
очень смешно
спасибо за ссыль, но мне в отрыве от практики неинтересно пока цифери считать, вот открою арти Трнусь и пойду зачитывать до дыр... если к тому моменту никто не опровергнет =)
ну ты спросил что такое рунарм как таковой, я продемонстрировал
Поделиться33704.06.2012 15:21:25
Ребят, у кого там доступ к серверу есть
Скажите, что там с сорком? Ему контроль не апнут, случаем?
Поделиться33804.06.2012 15:55:36
Require Draconic incarnation 3 or Fatesinger 3
Arcane study I (required 0): (Passive) +40 SP +1 caster level to all arcane spell
Arcane study II (required 4): (Passive) +40 SP +1 caster level to all arcane spell
Arcane study III (required 8): (Passive) +40 SP +1 caster level to all arcane spell
Arcane study IV (required 12): (Passive) +40 SP +1 caster level to all arcane spell
Arcane study V (required 16): (Passive) +40 SP +1 caster level to all arcane spell
Arcane spellsurge(required 20): (Active Cooldown: 4 mins) +5 to all spell DCs for 20 seconds
Tier 1 (0 points required)
Sigil of spell warding (required 0 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 30 secs) Inscribes a sigil for 60 seconds. Grants [10/20/??] stacking SR to all allies within its radius. Only one sigil active per caster
Imperceptible casting (required 0 - No prereq) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 1min) For the next 20 seconds spell threat is reduced to 5% of its normal amount
Unearthly reaction (required 0 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +1 dodge, +2 reflex
Impregnable mind (required 0 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +2 concentration, +2 will
Intelligence/Charisma (required 0 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Passive) +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Tier 2 (4 points required)
Sigil of lifeshield (required 4 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 30 secs) Inscribes a sigil for 60 seconds. Grants deathward to allies within radius and inflicts 1d6 light damage every 2 second to undeads. Only one sigil active per caster
Fade into the weave (required 4 - Prereq: Impreceptible casting 1) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 2 minutes) Triggers a diplomacy effect and renders you invisible for 20 seconds (invisibility is not broken by casting or attacking)
School specialist (required 4 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +1 DC to chosen school
Intelligence/Charisma (required 4 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Passive) +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Tier 3 (8 points required)
Sigil of energy negation (required 8 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 30 secs) Inscribes a sigil for 60 seconds. Grants 20 stacking fire, cold, electricity and acid resistance to allies within radius. Only one sigil active per caster
Variable resistance (required 8 - Prereq: Sigil of energy negation 1) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) Whenever take elemental damage +10 resistance to this type of damage. Stacks up to 3 times. Stack cleared if take a different elemental damage.
Piercing spellcraft (required 8 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +1 to spell penetration
Conjuration augmentation (required 8 - Prereq: Conjuration specialist 1) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) Chosen school spells have 5% chance to reduce target <save depending on school> by 10 for 10 seconds
Intelligence/Charisma (required 8 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Passive) +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Tier 4 (12 points required)
Sigil of Battering Spellcraft (required 12 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 30 secs) Inscribes a sigil for 60 seconds. Grants +5 stacking spellpower to allies within radius. Only one sigil active per caster
Nullmagice guard (required 12 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) When you take damage, 2% chance to trigger antimagic burst: dispell enemies from enchantments and prevent them from casting spells for 10 seconds. Can't occur more than once per 30 seconds
Call kindred being (required 12 - Prereq: Spell school familiarity 1) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 8mins) Summon an epic creature to aid you (creature type depends on school familiarity)
Conjuration Familiarity (required 12 - Prereq: Conjuration augmentation 1) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) Reduces cooldown for conjuration spells by 5%
Intelligence/Charisma (required 12 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Passive) +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Tier 5 (16 points required)
Nullmagic strike (required 16 - Prereq: Nullmagic guard 1) (3 rank - 1 AP): (Passive) Offensive spells you cast have a 4% chance to subject dispel target enchantments and render it unable to cast spells for 10 seconds
Grand summoner (required 16 - Prereq: Call kindred being 1) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Passive) Summons gain +4 to all ability scores, increased health, increased fort (50%). Stack with augment summoning and similar effects
Master of school (required 16 - Prereq: Conjuration familiarity 1) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) Caster level and maximum caster level for choosen school increased by 1
Intelligence/Charisma (required 16 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Passive) +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Tier 6 (20 points required)
Arcane tempest (required 20 - Prereq: Sigil of battering spellcraft 1) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 3mins) AoE that deals 2d6 damage per caster level each 2 seconds for 8 seconds
Nullmagic aura (required 20 - Prereq: Nullmagic strike 1) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 1sec) Each time nullmagic guard or strike activates, you gain 1 charge. When have you 20 charges, can activate nullmagic aura. Allies and yourself are immune to harmful spells for 20 seconds
Arcane adept (required 20 - No prereq) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Passive) All spells can be cast with 5% fewer spell points
Intelligence/Charisma (required 20 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Passive) +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Draconic Incarnation
Require Magister 3 or Fatesinger 3
Draconic bloodline I (required 0): (Passive) +40 SP +1 caster level to all arcane spell
Draconic bloodline II (required 4): (Passive) +40 SP +1 caster level to all arcane spell
Draconic bloodline III (required 8): (Passive) +40 SP +1 caster level to all arcane spell
Draconic bloodline IV (required 12): (Passive) +40 SP +1 caster level to all arcane spell
Draconic bloodline V (required 16): (Passive) +40 SP +1 caster level to all arcane spell
Draconic fury (required 20): (Active Cooldown: 4 mins) +20% Spell power for 20 seconds
Tier 1 (0 points required)
Energy Sheath (required 0 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 1min) For 2 minutes gain 50% fire absorption. Energy that strike you take 1d3+10 fire damage and have a small chance to take 4d20+100 fire damage. Remove fire shield.
Draconic presence (required 0 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +2 initimidate and +2 of fear based effects
Dragonhide (required 0 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +2 natural armor and +2 fortitude saves
Draconic perception (required 0 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +2 spot and +2 reflex
Intelligence/Charisma (required 0 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Passive) +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Tier 2 (4 points required)
Go out with a bang (required 4 - Prereq: Energy Sheath 1) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 4mins) Can only be used when HP <= 50%. Nearby enemies take 2d6 fire damage per caster level. Then trigger a diplomacy effect and become invis. Invisibility doesn't break if attacking or casting spells
Barrier of scales (required 4 - Prerequ: Dragonhide 1) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 2mins) For the next 30 seconds, 60 points of ablative protection versus physical damage. Stacks with Stoneskin and ablative armor
Precise evocation (required 4 - No prereq) (2 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +1 DC to evocation spells
Intelligence/Charisma (required 4 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Passive) +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Tier 3 (8 points required)
Daunting Roar (required 8 - Prereq: Draconic presence 1) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 2mins) Enemies within the AoE are subject to despair effect and will be paralyzed. Will save negates the effect (if save successful still shaken)
Red dragon heritage (required 8 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +10% spell power with fire spells
Piercing Spellcraft (required 8 - No prereq) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +1 to spell penetration
Intelligence/Charisma (required 8 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Tier 4 (12 points required)
Energy burst (required 12 - Prereq: Go with a bang 1) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 30 secs) Waves of fire emanate from your body dealing 3d6 fire damage per caster level
Red dragon spell knowledge (required 12 - Prereq: Dragon heritage 1) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) +1 caster level and maximum caster level on fire spells
Draconic spell augmentation (required 12 - Prereq: Draconic spell knowledge 1) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) Fire spells have a small chance to deal a blast of 3d6 extra light damage
Intelligence/Charisma (required 12 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Passive) +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Tier 5 (16 points required)
Flyby attack (required 16 - Prereq: Dragon breath 1) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 1min) Executes an abundant step which passes through enemies and deals 2d6 fire damage per caster level to any enemy struck during the attack. Each enemy is also knockdown unless it succeds a fortitude save
Red dragon breath (required 16 - Prereq: Draconic spell knowledge 1) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 1min) Cone that deals 60d6 fire damage (reflex save for half). Can use 5 times per rest
Draconic breath augmentation (required 16 - Prereq: Dragon breath 1) (3 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) When enemies fail their reflex save against breath, they are subject to a temporary sleep effect
Intelligence/Charisma (required 16 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Passive) +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Tier 6 (20 points required)
Energy vortex (required 20 - Prereq: Energy Burst 1) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 2mins) Intense flame swirl around you dealing damage to enemy in the AoE. Flame follow you and deal 1d6 fire damage per caster level every 2 seconds for 16 seconds
Draconic hunger (required 20 - No prereq) (1 ranks - 1 AP): (Passive) When you kill an enemy there is a small chance you'll gain 3d6 temporary HP and 3d6 temporary SP. If draconic fury is active, this chance becomes 100%
Fearsome invulnerability (required 20 - No prereq) (1 rank - 1 AP): (Active Cooldown: 1sec) Each time kill an enemye under the effect of draconic fury, gain 1 charge. When have 20 of these charges, can expend them to activate fearsome invulnerability. Triggers an intimidate effect when used, lasts for 30 seconds, and for its duration you have DR 100/-, resistance 200 to Fire/Cold/Electricity/Acid and HP regens at a very switf rate
Intelligence/Charisma (required 20 - No prereq) (1 rank - 2 AP): (Passive) +1 Intelligence/Charisma
Поделиться33904.06.2012 15:58:02
можно вкачать целиком одну судьбу + за твистс оф фейтс взять себе 3 абилки из первых 4ъ тиров любых других открытых судеб
Поделиться34004.06.2012 16:03:26
можно вкачать целиком одну судьбу + за твистс оф фейтс взять себе 3 абилки из первых 4ъ тиров любых других открытых судеб
на правах бреда: визард ПМ с инсайтфул рефлексом и эвейжн
Поделиться34104.06.2012 16:25:48
на правах бреда: визард ПМ с инсайтфул рефлексом и эвейжн
мне кажется автофит 6го уровня за ТоФ нельзя будет взять
Поделиться34204.06.2012 22:16:44
Based on earlier feedback, we're going to end up removing the skills allocation in epic levels and grant +1 to all skills each level for levels 21-25.
Поделиться34304.06.2012 22:38:07
т.е. получается +1 даже на непрофильные скиллы за уровень, а не по 0.5. интересно...
Поделиться34405.06.2012 02:21:37
а по нынешним меркам, я за каждый уровень по 2-3 юмд брал) монком)
Поделиться34505.06.2012 18:34:57
Lvl 0: Fatesinger’s Repertoire
Passive: For every level of Fatesinger, gain 2 Songs and 25 Spell Points. If you didn't have Inspire Courage, you have that Feat now.
Active: You may expend a Song to activate Fatesinger's Repertoire. If you do so, your voice thrums with magic, and you no longer require material components to cast spells.Lvl 1: Glitter of Fame (passive)
Gain +1 to your effective Arcane caster level and a +1 to hit.
Special Effect: As long as you are above 10% Health, you radiate confidence: gain a +1 to all Ability scores.Lvl 2: Harmonic Resonance (passive)
Passive: Gain +1 to your effective Arcane caster level.
Special Effect: Your melee and missile attacks have a 10% chance per hit of building a stacking resonance in your enemies. Each stack increases the creature's vulnerability to Sonic damage by 10%. The effect may stack up to 5 times."Lvl 3: Intoxicating Presence
Passive: Gain +1 to your effective Arcane caster level and a +1 to hit.
Special Effect: As long as you are above 10% Health, enemies that strike you have a 5% chance of becoming Fascinated for 12 seconds, with no saving throw."Lvl 4: Grandeur
Passive: Gain +1 to your effective Arcane caster level.
Special Effect: As long as you are above 10% Health, you gain Immunity to Fear, as well as projecting an Aura of Grandeur. This aura grants you and your friends a +1 to all saving throws, a +2 to all Charisma-based skills, and a +3 Competence bonus to damage."Lvl 5: Majesty
Passive: +1 to your effective Arcane caster level and a +1 to hit. You also gain a +1 to the effective level of your Enchantment/Charm spells and a +10 to the Spell Power of your Sonic spells.
Special Effect: Enemies that strike you also have a 5% chance to become blinded by your glory (in addition to other effects), with no saving throw.TIER 1
O Fortuna (Adds to your Inspire Courage)
Rank 1: You and your friends gain a +1 to your Fortitude and Reflex saves when you Inspire Courage."
Rank 2: You and your friends gain an additional +1 to Fortitude and Reflex saves when you Inspire Courage, for a total of +2."
Rank 3: You and your friends gain an additional +1 to Fortitude and Reflex saves when you Inspire Courage, for a total of +3."Allure (Passive)
Rank 1: Gain a +2 to your Perform, a +2 to Bluff and a +2 to Haggle, plus an extra Song per rest.
Rank 2: Gain a +4 to your Perform, a +4 to Bluff and a +4 to Haggle, plus an extra Song per rest.
Rank 3: Gain a +6 to your Perform, a +6 to Bluff and a +6 to Haggle, plus an extra Song per rest.Music of the Spider Queen (Adds to your Fascinate)
Your Fascinate gains the power to mesmerize Vermin. Mesmerized Vermin stop acting and behave like they have been fascinated. Unlike truly fascinated creatures, however, they are not susceptible to suggestion."Dirge (Song)
Rank 1: For every two levels, you deal 1d4 Negative damage and 1d8 Sonic damage every 3 seconds for 18 seconds. (Make a Fortitude save for half damage.) In addition, affected enemies may also be slowed 5% if they fail their Fortitude save. Duration 18 seconds.
Rank 2: For every two levels, you deal 1d6 Negative damage and 1d10 Sonic damage every 3 seconds for 18 seconds. (Make a Fortitude save for half damage.) In addition, affected enemies may also be slowed 5% if they fail their Fortitude save. Duration 18 seconds.
Rank 3: For every two levels, you deal 1d8 Negative damage and 1d12 Sonic damage every 3 seconds for 18 seconds. (Make a Fortitude save for half damage.) In addition, affected enemies may also be slowed 5% if they fail their Fortitude save. Duration 18 seconds.Cha or Str (2 AP)
Tailwind (Adds to your Inspire Courage)
Rank 1: You and your friends gain a +2 Competence bonus to the damage of all missile weapons.
Rank 2: You and your friends gain an additional +2 Competence bonus to the damage of missile weapons, for a total of +4.
Rank 3: You and your friends gain an additional +2 Competence bonus to the damage of your missile weapons, for a total of +6.Lucidity (Passive)
Rank 1: Gain a +2 to Concentration, a +2 to Diplomacy and a +2 to Use Magic Device, plus an extra Song per rest.
Rank 2: Gain a +4 to Concentration, a +4 to Diplomacy and a +4 to Use Magic Device, plus an extra Song per rest.
Rank 3: Gain a +6 to Concentration, a +6 to Diplomacy and a +6 to Use Magic Device, plus an extra Song per rest.Masked Ball (Adds to Fascinate or Dirge)
Your Fascinate or Dirge simultaneously grants you and your friends a +20 Jump, a +20 Tumble, Freedom of Movement and Blur.Cha or Str (2 AP)
Siren’s Song (Song)
Mesmerizes a single target and deals 2 Constitution damage every 3 seconds. Duration 12 seconds. Cooldown 60 seconds.
Mesmerizes a single target and deals 2 Constitution damage every 2 seconds. Duration 12 seconds. Cooldown 50 seconds
Mesmerizes a single target and deals 2 Constitution damage every second. Duration 12 seconds. Cooldown 40 secondsReign (Spontaneous Song)
Rank 1: Gain a +20 temporary Health. On a vorpal strike, you unleash a thunderclap for 7d20 Sonic and 7d20 Electrical damage. Duration: 180 seconds.
Rank 2: Gain a +40 temporary Health. On a vorpal strike, you unleash a thunderclap for 9d20 Sonic and 9d20 Electrical damage. Duration: 180 seconds."
Rank 3: Gain a +60 temporary Health. On a vorpal strike, you unleash a thunderclap for 11d20 Sonic and 11d20 Electrical damage. Duration: 180 seconds."Echoes of the Ancestors: Arcane (Choose one Stance, 2 AP cost)
Echoes of the Draconic Incarnation
Gain a +1 Constitution, a 20 to your maximum spell points, a +1 Natural Armor and a +2 to your saves vs. Poison. You also gain an additional 5 Spell Power when casting Fire, Acid, Cold or Electricity spells.
Echoes of the Magister
Gain a +1 Intelligence, a +1 to Use Magic Device, a +2 Spell Penetration bonus to your spells, a +2 to the DC's of your offensive wands and +20 to your maximum Spell Points.Aria (Spontaneous Song)
Rank 1: Generate 10% less threat when you cast spells. In addition, you gain a 25 Spell Power bonus to your Sonic spells, and a 5 Spell Power bonus to your Force, Positive and Negative spells. Duration: 180 seconds."
Rank 2: Generate 20% less threat when you cast spells. In addition, you gain a 50 Spell Power bonus to your Sonic spells, and a 10 Spell Power bonus to your Force, Positive and Negative spells. Duration: 180 seconds.
Rank 3: Generate 30% less threat when you cast spells. In addition, you gain a 75 Spell Power bonus to your Sonic spells, and a 15 Spell Power bonus to your Force, Positive and Negative spells. Duration: 180 seconds.Cha or Str (2 AP)
Chord of Disruption (Adds to Siren’s Song)
When Siren's Song expires, Chord of Disruption focuses your energy to a single disruptive point, causing 5d100 + 700 disintigrating Sonic damage. If a Fortitude save is made, its effects are halved.
When Siren's Song expires, Chord of Disruption focuses your energy to a single disruptive point, causing 6d100 + 800 disintigrating Sonic damage. If a Fortitude save is made, its effects are halved.
When Siren's Song expires, Chord of Disruption focuses your energy to a single disruptive point, causing 7d100 + 900 disintigrating Sonic damage. If a Fortitude save is made, its effects are halved.Echoes of the Ancestors: Martial (Choose one Stance, 2 AP cost)
Echoes of the Legendary Dreadnought
Gain a +1 Constitution, +10 to your maximum Health, +1 to the DC's of all combat Feats, a 2/- DR Bonus to blocking, +2 AC bonus to blocking, and a +1 Attack bonus.
Echoes of the Grandmaster of Flowers
Gain a +1 Wisdom, a +2 AC while Tumbling and a +1 to all saving throws. If you are centered, you gain a 5% bonus to your total AC. You may only activate this ability if you already have ki.
Echoes of the Shadowdancer
Gain a +1 Dexterity, a +2 to saving throws vs. Traps and a 1d6 Sneak Attack damage bonus. In addition, every time you are hit, you have a 5% chance of being affected by Lingering Shadows for 4 seconds. Lingering Shadows grants you displacement and a +4 to hit and +2 damage, and +15% Attack Speed, but is removed if you are damaged.Masquerade
You have the power to switch your Twist of Fate at a Rest Shrine.Echoes of the Ancestors: Primal (Choose one Stance, 2 AP cost)
Gain a +1 Constitution and +20 to your maximum Health. If you have Rage, your Rage grants you an additional +1 Strength and +1 Constitution while raging. You also have a +2% chance to trigger weapon effects on glancing blows.
Gain a +1 Dexterity, +2 Spot, +2 Listen, +2 Hide, +2 Move Silently, +2 Diplomacy and an extra Action Boost per rest. Your attack speed with bows and thrown weapons is 5% faster, and you gain a 1% Dodge bonus.Cha or Str (2 AP)
Bound Fate (Song)
Rank 1: A single target must make a Will save with a DC modified by the caster's Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the target is bound briefly to the spot, and for one minute is also 5% more vulnerable to Sonic, Cold and Electric damage, and has a -5 Spell Resistance. In addition, the creature deals -4 damage on attacks.
Rank 2: A single target must make a Will save with a DC modified by the caster's Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the target is bound briefly to the spot, and for one minute is also 10% more vulnerable to Sonic, Cold and Electric damage, and has a -10 Spell Resistance. In addition, the creature deals -6 damage on attacks.
Rank 3: A single target must make a Will save with a DC modified by the caster's Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the target is bound briefly to the spot, and for one minute is also 15% more vulnerable to Sonic, Cold and Electric damage, and has a -15 Spell Resistance. In addition, the creature deals -8 damage on attacks.Fragment of the Song: Clarity (Adds to Inspire Courage)
Rank 1: When you Inspire Courage, Fragment of the Song: Clarity adds to your Inspire Courage, but it affects only you. Your spells cost 5% less to cast and you gain +15 Spell Points."
Rank 2: When you Inspire Courage, the spells that you and your friends cast cost an additional 5% less to cast and all players gain a +4 Concentration. Meanwhile you also benefit from a personal bonus of -5% Spell Point cost and +15 temporary Spell Points.Echoes of the Ancestors: Divine (Choose one Stance, 2 AP cost)
Echoes of the Exalted Angel
The songs of legend fill your soul. You are eternally inspired by the radiance of divinity.\\n \\nGain a +1 Wisdom, a +15 to your maximum spell points, a +3 Jump, a +4 to Fortitude saves vs. Disease, and +20 Spell Power when casting Positive Energy spells.
Echoes of the Unyielding Sentinel
Gain a +1 Wisdom and a +1 to all saving throws. Your Inspire Courage grants an additional +2 to saves vs. Fear. If you possess an Aura of Good, that grants an additional +2 to all saves vs. fear as well. If you possess Turn Undead, you gain +2 to your effective level for Turning Undead.Fragment of the Song: Valor (Adds to your Inspire Courage)
Rank 1: When you Inspire Courage, Fragment of the Song affects only you, in addition to all Inspire benefits that grant bonuses to your friends. For the duration, you benefit from a 4% Competence bonus to your melee attack speed and a +20 HP Competence bonus to your Temporary HP.
Rank 2: When you Inspire Courage, Fragment of the Song affects you and your friends, granting everyone a +20 Morale bonus to Temporary HP, and a +4 Intimidate. Meanwhile, you still benefit from a personal +20 Competence bonus to HP and a +4% attack speed with melee weapons.Cha or Str (2 AP)
Grim Fate (Adds to Bound Fate)
Your Bound Fate now inflicts creatures with an additional 5% vulnerability to Physical attacks. Grim Fate may take effect, even if Bound Fate does not. Duration 1 minute.
Your Bound Fate now inflicts creatures with an additional 10% vulnerability to Physical attacks. Grim Fate may take effect, even if Bound Fate does not. Duration 1 minute.
Your Bound Fate now inflicts creatures with an additional 15% vulnerability to Physical attacks. Grim Fate may take effect, even if Bound Fate does not. Duration 1 minute.Turn of the Tide (Spontaneous Song)
Expend a Song to activate, Turn of the Tide grants a +5 to hit, +40% damage, DR 15/-, a +4 Charisma, and deals +5d20 +150 Sonic damage per hit. (Sonic damage does not affect Bosses.). In addition, while under the effects of Turn of the Tide, you cannot fail a Will save an a roll of 1. Duration: 20 seconds. Cooldown: 5 minutes."Cha or Str (2 AP)
а ничотак, мне нра
Поделиться34605.06.2012 19:26:22
у паладина на 4м тире Purify weapon (required 12 - No prereq) (1 ranks - 2 AP): (Passive) Weapons you equip gain pure good, dealing 1d6 damage vs. non good targets.
думаю открыть на варваре за ТоФ
Поделиться34706.06.2012 03:50:04
Adrenaline does not power up offhand attacks, before anyone gets too disappointed by the rumors.
It does work with special attacks like Exalted Smite. With a Deathnip heavy pick we were seeing numbers in the low thousands with Adrenaline and Exalted Smite IV, but we also didn't have full raid buffs running. We aren't sure hitting 10,000 is particularly achievable, but we may be wrong (and numbers might be adjusted).
Отредактировано velom (06.06.2012 03:50:41)
Поделиться34906.06.2012 19:07:32
Что, кто там накрафтил себе алхемикал рапсов и нараскрывал шынтао?
Поделиться35106.06.2012 19:09:14
Что, кто там накрафтил себе алхемикал рапсов и нараскрывал шынтао?
надо конечно считать, но мне кажется алхемикал + киошо + хб > эта штука+ +5вишусофгеоб
Поделиться35207.06.2012 03:52:14
(Combat): You attack Black Widow. You roll a 20 : you critical hit!
(Combat): You roll to confirm a critical on Black Widow. You roll a 11 (+87): Critical Hit!
(Combat): You hit Black Widow for 4,129 points of slash damage.
и это не топ эквип
гипотетический максимум:
а еееесли еще от фэйтсингера "15% vulnerability to Physical attacks"
ай, вру -4 силы в раге, ну да пох
Отредактировано velom (07.06.2012 04:13:44)
Поделиться35307.06.2012 09:03:13
The spell Displacement is now self-only.
Поделиться35407.06.2012 09:08:58
The spell Displacement is now self-only.
Всем делать кликалки на Дисплейсмент? И не одну? Жесть.
Поделиться35507.06.2012 12:34:13
Всем делать кликалки на Дисплейсмент? И не одну? Жесть.
переживен, не страшно, и так собирался делать если гостли починят.
Поделиться35607.06.2012 12:45:14
переживен, не страшно, и так собирался делать если гостли починят.
ну у меня все дисплейсментом заряжены, а вот новичкам придется дольше одеваться для более комфортной игры.
А раньше раздали дисплейсмент и все в еДА живы-здоровы.
Поделиться35707.06.2012 13:26:51
ну у меня все дисплейсментом заряжены, а вот новичкам придется дольше одеваться для более комфортной игры.
А раньше раздали дисплейсмент и все в еДА живы-здоровы.
кто-то недавно писал последовательность прохождения контента в зависимости о сложности. там было что-то типа шроуд/ТоД в начале, потом несложные эпики типа ред фенс, потом пески, еДА была в конце цепочки. очень разумно, я сам так шел. к еДА уже основные вещи уже будут в наличии.
Поделиться35807.06.2012 13:37:40
в Еда вроде все здоровы када все остальные танцуют. а если начнут хором лупить никакого дисплеса не хватить, а против боса он вроде не работает. туманчики всякие кидать будем чо.
Поделиться35907.06.2012 15:58:46
а мне кажется, что вернут как было
хотяяя... не, наверно селф онли оставят
Отредактировано velom (07.06.2012 16:13:04)
Поделиться36008.06.2012 02:30:49
переживен, не страшно, и так собирался делать если гостли починят.
на гринстиле блери а не гостли