Iconic Hero 32p Sun Elf, Cleric 1 lvl.
2 юза :Rejuvenation of Dawn(Heals 10,000 hit points, removes all ability damage, death penalty effects, negative levels, blinded, dazed, deafened, diseased, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, insanity, nauseated, poisoned, and stunned.)
Arcanum: +100 spell points and +3 spell penetration.
5 юзов :Feywild Tap: Activate: A drop of blood lets you tap into the endless energy of the realm of the fey, giving yourself or an ally temporary spell points, 10% incorporeality.
The formula for it is 24 + 6 per level, so, at level 28, this is 192 SP. Per charge. 5 times per rest, so that's 960 total for that enhancement. And you can use it on other party members, so even if you are good with your blue bar, you can still help out the party.
Light of the Sun God: Grants +10/+20/+30 Light spell power.
Amaunator's Brilliance: Sunburst SLA (Cooldown: 60/45/30 seconds, Cost: 25 SP)
Aura of Radiance: The light of Amaunator shines perpetually upon you, protecting you and damaging those who would do you harm. You gain a light shield effect that deald 2d6/2d8/2d10 light damage to enemies each time they attack you in melee. This applies to enemy misses as well as hits. You also gain a +3/+6/+9 sacred bonus to Armor Class against attacks from shadows and other undead creatures.
Skill: +3% doublestrike, +3% doubleshot, +3% dodge, and bypass 3% dodge.
+Free Feat: Toggle Stance Fireshield(25% cold absorb)
Cleric Core 1:
Divine Emissary of Light: +5 Light Spellpower. Gaining Light or Negative Energy spellpower from Divine Disciple also adds to your alignment spellpowers.(повышаем дамаг от всяких "характерных" нюков)
Cleric Core 3(Cleric Level 6)
Sun Bolt: Your Cleric spellbook gains Sun Bolt as a level 3 spell. (как молния, только светом, спеллпавер берёт, Ангельские стаки стакает)
Cleric Core 4(Cleric Level 12)
Sunbeam: Your Cleric spellbook gains Sunbeam as a level 6 spell. (как поляр рей по дамагу, без макс кастер лвла, х2 против андедов и слизей, но предлагает спас бросок...)
Cleric T1
Nimbus of Light SLA: (Activation Cost: 2 spell points. Cooldown: 4 seconds.)
Spellpower: Light: +15 Light Spellpower
Spell Critical: Light: +2% Critical Chance with Light spells
Cleric T2
Spell Critical: Light: +2% Critical Chance with Light spells
Cleric T3
Searing Light SLA: (Activation Cost: 6 spell points. Cooldown: 6 seconds)
Spellpower: Light: +15 Light Spellpower
Spell Critical: Light: +2% Critical Chance with Light spells
+1 to Wisdom
Cleric T4
Holy Smite SLA: (Activation Cost: 7 spell points. Cooldown: 6 seconds.)
Spell Critical: Light: +2% Critical Chance with Light spells
+1 to Wisdom.
Cleric T5
Flame Strike SLA: (Activation Cost: 20 spell points. Cooldown: 12 seconds.) - не получает LightSpellpower, имеет задержку после каста, но стакает Ангельские стаки
Spell Power: Light: +15 Light spellpower
Divine Empowerment: You gain +1 caster level and maximum caster level to Light, Negative Energy, and Fire spells.
FVS Core 1
For each action point spent in this tree, you gain +1 Universal Spell Power and +2 Spell Points.
FVS Core 2
Shield of Condemnation: Toggle: Enemies that strike you have a chance of suffering divine condemnation for 20 seconds, increasing their vulnerability to light and alignment-based damage by 10%, and decreasing their fortification by 10%. This debuff stacks up to 5 times, and is dispelled by Bless effects. Cooldown: 1 second.
FVS Core 3
Aura of Menace: Toggle: You project a 15 meter Aura of Menace, decreasing the saving throws, attack, and armor class of nearby enemies by 2. Cooldown: 1 second
FVS Core 4
Summon Archon: Toggle: Spell like ability: A small lantern archon hovers over your shoulder and attacks nearby enemies. This archon is indestructible, deals 1 to 3 + caster level light damage every 2 seconds, and uses half of your Light Spell Power and Spell Critical effects for its light beam attacks. The archon will only attack enemies that have already been damaged, and will not attack fascinated or mesmerized foes, and always attacks the enemy with the fewest hit points in range. All threat generated by the archon is applied to you. Cost: 20 spell points. Cooldown: 6 second.
Scourge: Whenever you cast a Fire, Force, Light, or Physical damage spell, you gain +3 to your Fire, Force, Light, or Physical Spell Power for 6 seconds. This stacks up to 10 times.
Smiting: Your Fire, Force, Light, and Physical damage spells have an additional 2% chance to critically hit.
Just Reward: When you critically hit with a Fire, Force, Light, or Physical damage spell, you gain 3/6/10 Sacred temporary spell points
Smiting: Your Fire, Force, Light, and Physical damage spells have an additional 2% chance to critically hit.
+1 Wisdom
Smiting: Your Fire, Force, Light, and Physical damage spells have an additional 2% chance to critically hit.
Intense Faith: Your Fire, Force, Light, and Physical damage spells are cast at +1/+2/+3 caster level.
+1 Wisdom
Smiting: Your Fire, Force, Light, and Physical damage spells have an additional 2% chance to critically hit.
Zealous Faith: The maximum caster level of your Fire, Force, Light, and Physical damage spells are increased by 1/2/3.
+всевозможные манна поинты, эвокации, метамагии, ванд мастери и так далее.. не говоря уж о других ветках.
Avenging light: Active Ability: (Cooldown 3 seconds) Deals 1d4+4 light damage + 1d4+4 per three character level to 1 target. Fortitude save (DC 10+ character level + charisma or wisdom mod) for half
Divine Wrath: Active Ability: (Cooldown 15 seconds, 30sp, standard Area of Effect) Only usable when Endless Ardor stack is 10. Call down divine wrath on foes, dealing 2d6 light damage per character level, will save for half (DC 10 + character level + half charisma or wisdom mod). Allies caught within blast are healed for 1d6 HP per character level. Resets one stack of Endless Ardor. Counts as a Light spell for incrementing Endless Ardor. Target must be manually selected.
Билд вокруг СЛАшек Клера и Т1\Т5 СЛА от Ангела
Роль - старт 15 лвла в шмоте, пыщ-пыщ до 20, EpicNormal/максимум Epic Hard квесты. = немного фейвора(очков),фана,походу дела зайти в челенджи и нафармить сколько-нибудь ингридиентов и как итог = склад.
BYOH не обязателен(устроит бегать с наёмником+какой-никакой само-хил), surviveability максить тоже не нужно(ни рейдов,ни ЕЕ не планируется) - бегать буду с наёмником и в пати с другим икоником(уж хз чего там наклепают девушка и ещё один друг из икоников).
Отредактировано hime (19.09.2013 21:37:39)