Вот и до меня дошла очередь наваять им тикет.
Ничего особо серьёзного канеш но крайне неприятно.
У меня с карточки 1 бакс снялся дважды. В итоге пришла мессага что я не могу продлить вип. Положил ещё 2 бакса на карточку и реактивировал вип. Хотел по крайней мере. А хрен. У меня снова списались ещё 2 раза по 1 баксу.
Я ваще не вкуриваю. Это же проверочный бакс. Почему он каждый месяц то снимается?
А тут ещё и 2 раза с разницей в минуту. Совсем неприятно. Завтра вот ещё буду класть 3 бакса на карточку.
Они все по идее вернутся канеш. Но всё же: потратил кучу времени чтобы докинуть бабло. Дважды. А сегодня днём ещё и 3ий раз буду.
Ну и это ещё не считая того, что я за вип в этом месяце в итоге не 16 баксов заплачу (14.99 + 1), а 21 бакс.
Good day! I'm Stanislav from Russia. First of all I should appologize for my bad English, but I'll try to explain my problem anyway. I hope you'll be able to understand it.
So. I've got some problem, that I can't explain by myself. So I'd like to ask you about it.
I've been paying $14,99 for a vip account for already two months. My payment Method is always a prepaid Virtual Visa card. And I know, that there's every time a "$1 reserve" billing before paying $14,99.
So the trouble and the question is about this $1. Everything was ok about it until now.
My last subscription has expired at 18th August because of lack of funds on the Virtual Visa card. I've added about $16 on the card and reentered the subscription info. But than i've met the whole trouble:
The "reserve $1" was taken twice from my card.
08/18/2010 20:49:52 1,00 USD
and at
08/18/2010 20:52:10 1,00 USD
I was unpleasantly surprised.
And the day after that I've recieved a message about "lack of funds on card". I've added only about $16 to the card last time, as I've already said, so of cource I was ready for this warning and the message wasn't unexpected for me.
So I knew I needed to add about $2 more to my card and then reactivate a subscription again. And I did it. And reentered the subscription info again.
And guess what?
The "reserve $1" was taken from the card twice. Again. O_o
08/20/2010 02:00:16
and at
08/20/2010 02:01:59
So now I still don't have $14,99 on the card, and I suppose will recieve another "lack of funds" message today. That's not a big problem of cource. And I'm pretty sure those $4 will come back soon, so I'm not worried much of them. But still. I've payed 4 reserved USD instead of 2 USD at the moment. I'm dissapointed because of wasting much time on adding money to card. Twice. And it looks like now I have to do it once again.
So can you please do something with this... hm... payment bug?
Or the reason is in me? Am i doing something wrong? And can I have a guarantee, that I will get all spent $4,00 back instead of just $2,00?
Looking forward answer.