Объясните пожалуйста подробно механику урона.
Тоесть например 3 версии дамага 1d10 / 1d4 / 5d6 сколько дамага нанесёт каждая из них? Если брать чистый дамаг, я не совсем разбираюсь в этой механике.
Niac's cold ray: Стреляет лучом льда, причиняя 1d10 на уровень, максимум 5d10 (Спас бросок на рефлекс сводит дамаг к 0) поражает одну цель. (Shoots a ray of ice at your foes; does 1d10 per caster level, max 5d10 (reflex save negates) cold damage to a single target. Some people have reported that the damage may actually be 1d6 + 4 / caster level (max 5d6+20)[unverified].)
Magic missile: A missile of magical energy darts forth and unerringly strikes its target inflicting 1d4+1 damage. For every 2 caster levels beyond first you gain an additional missile, up to a maximum of 5 missiles at 9-th level and higher. Magic missile at level 9, will do 5d4+5, per missile 1d4+1..
Chill touch: Makes a touch echo with the chill of death causing 1d6 per caster level (max 5d6) of negative damage. Chill Touch causes fear in the undead instead of damage.. Some people have reported that the damage may actually be 1d3+3 negative energy damage per level (max: 5d3+15), and that Constructs are immune.