18 Paladin \ 2 Monk (34 pts)
Hit Points: 378
Spell Points: 311
Fortitude: 23
Reflex: 18
Will: 17
Strength 16 24
Dexterity 15 18
Constitution 15 19
Intelligence 11 13
Wisdom 12 16
Charisma 9 12
+1 Int lvl 3
+2 Int lvl 7
+3 Str lvl 11
+3 Dex lvl 11
+3 Con lvl 11
+3 Wis lvl 11
+3 Cha lvl 11
Balance 6 27
Intimidate 1 29
Use Magic Device 1 12
Monk: Dodge; Combat Expertise
Human Bonus: Toughness
Paladin: WF: Slashing Weapons; Whirling Steel Strike; IC: Slashing Weapons; 3TWF; TW Defence
Paladin Armor Class Boost I
Follower of the Sovereign Host
Unyielding Sovereignty
Paladin Bulwark of Good IV
Paladin Focus of Good I
Paladin Resistance of Good III
Paladin Divine Righteousness I
Paladin Defender of Siberys III
Improved Intimidate IV
Way of the Tenacious Badger I
Paladin Toughness III
Human Adaptability Constitution I
Racial Toughness III
Human Improved Recovery II
Human Versatility III
Monk Wisdom I
Paladin Divine Sacrifice II
Paladin Exalted Smite II
Paladin Extra Smite Evil III
Paladin Extra Turning I
Helm: Пещера (+6 Seeker, +15 Intimidate)
Goggles: Raven's Sight (+2 ExcWis)
Necklace: Epic Grim's Bracelet (+7 Str; +3 Dodge; 1G)
Trinket: Epic Gem of Many Facets (1Y)
Armor: Icy Raiments (+4 Dodge)
Cloak: Epic Envenomed Cloak (+7 Con; +5 Res; 1G)
Bracers: Epic Scorched Bracers (+8 AC; 1G)
Gloves: Gloves of the Claw (30% Amp)
Belt: Belt of the Defender of Siberys (GFL)
Boots: Epic Boots of Corrosion (1G; 1C)
Ring 1: Band of Siberys (+1 ExcCha; 20% Amp)
Ring 2: Ring of the Silver Concord (+7 Cha; +6 Protection; 1Y)
Main hand/Off hand: +4 Insight AC
Yellow: 2 (Blindness Immunity; Proof Against Poison)
Green: 4 (Toughness; Heavy Fortification; +2 Good Luck; +6 Wis)
Colorless: 1 (+6 Dex)
Одетый в стойке ветра + защитной стойке с гильд-баффами:
Strength 42
Dexterity 28
Constitution 32
Intelligence 13
Wisdom 26
Charisma 22
HP: (378 + 10 + 20 + 30 + 7*20)*1,2 = 693 (Без югопотов.)
Intimidate: 29 + 5 (Cha) + 4 (GH) + 15 (Helm) + 5 (Claw) + 2 (Luck) + 2 (Favor) + 2 (Bard) = 64
Hate: 1,75 (DoS) + 0,15 (ToD) + 0,20 (Claw) = 2,1 (+ 1 Divine Righteousness)
HealAmp: 1,2 (Human) * 1,2 (ToD) * 1,3 (Claw) = 1,872 (*2 в Glorious Stand)
10 Base
9 Dex Bonus
8 Wis Bonus
8 Armor Bonus
1 Monk Centered bonus
1 Dodge Feat
1 TW Defense Feat
5 Combat Expertise
4 Dodge (Icy Raiments)
1 Armor Ritual
3 Dodge (Epic Grim's Bracelet)
4 Insight
6 Protection (Ring of the Silver Concord)
2 ToD Set
6 DoS Aura
4 Superior Defensive Stance
3 Profane (Greater Might of the Abishai)
3 Guild (Cobold+Kundarak+Deneith)
4 Bard Song
1 Haste
2 Recitation
4 Shield Spell
5 Barkskin
2 Yugo (+2 Wis; +2 Dex)
Смущает, что Icy Raiments, Defensive Stance и песня барда +4 Dodge (песня барда со стойкой точно стакается, Icy Raiments тоже, если верить форумам, должны стакаться со всем). Если отказаться от Fens сетов, то можно еще +3 AC добавить (+1 тринка с эвента/крафт и +2 мабарский плащ). Отказ от дуальных мечей освободит как минимум 2 фита и даст -3 AC(TWFD;Centered;стойка)/+4 ToHit.
Дополнительные источники:
+1 Epic Helm of the Mroranon (+7 Wis; +1 ExcWis)
+1 Крафтовые очки на +2 Dodge
+1 (?) Enchant Armor/Armor of Speed
Отредактировано Valenok (08.11.2011 19:12:22)