I dont even see this on the "known issues" list, even though it is totally destroying ALL MONKS IN THE GAME FOR MONTHS. Many are blissfully ignorant, or just using terrible wraps, so they don't realize it... but GREATER BANE is not applying the 4 enhance extra dam, and HOLY doesn't stack with ToD ring holy burst.
That adds up to ELEVEN less damage. ELEVEN. 11. Or the equivalent of a year of getting monk past lives for most people (yes I know pl's only stack 3 times but this helps to maybe illustrate how horrible a screw this is, destroying the equivalent of a YEAR of time put into this hobby).
For many people, DDO is a HOBBY, not "just a game." And for many of us, a big part of that hobby is building a character, like another person might painstakingly build a model ship or sculpture or master a sport. For those of us like myself, who have put well over 100 hours into a char, only to have it devastated by this ~8 MONTH old bug, and be given a cut'n'paste crappy response from customer service about it, and have it not even appear in known issues, not apologized for, this is absolutely appalling.
For goodness, sakes, acknowledge this, update us on this, and please fix it.
Крафтовые рапсы работают через жопу. На грейтер бейн не считает дополнительные +4 атаки и урона.
Холи не стэкается с холи берстом с тодовского кольца
Manslayer effect currently does not allow you to "punch someone's head off", so does not work with Handwraps, Bare Fists, or Scrolls. (HERE)
Мэнслеер с эпик ринг оф сталкер не работает, но я не удивлюсь, если они скажут, что так задумано.
Deadly Weapons currently believe Handwraps are Armor, so does not apply properly or have any effect.
Тоже из раздела фич.