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Поделиться211.03.2010 14:37:09
стаааря добрая муля)
Поделиться306.12.2011 17:49:24
Oh yeah, @Astraghal, I know WannaBeDonator is not understanding your request
Actually i do understand...
But I'm just trolling a casual player who cannot into characterbuilding and math lol.
there's a known fact: Wanna do smth well? Do it urself!
That's why i wanted him to take pen, paper and math schoolbook So he would finally understand this: SoS is AWESOME.
(As for your calculations - they're great but he still wants some Casualnewb999 to achive +67, not awesome geared barb... well... I'll provide the breakdown for one, cause I'm already too bored...)
4(horc)+10(PA)+6(horc PA)+8(bard)+1(madstone... actually +1.5 or even +3 if doublemadstoned but yeah: double is not sustainable)+5(sos)+2(guildbuff)+2(nonepic claw/fabricator) = 38
This is a base dmg (!) breakdown.
Now we need to find 29 moar dmg.
BARB: +6(PA) => we need 23 str_dmg_mod => we need 42 str.
FTR: +4(feats)+2(enchancements)+4(kensei) => we need 19 str_dmg_mod => we need 36 str
PAL: +6(divine might)+3(favor)+1(prayer) => ... => 36 str
YES! I AM USING horc for calculations. Cannot afford TP for it? Play minesweeper!
Any more questions?
(oh, and btw... as i said even melee fvs can reach +67. yes, covered with epic gear. But did u think melee fvs is "average melee"? lol!)
(and yes, i might be missing smth actually... it was kinda brief breakdown)
(and one more: MATH RULES! \m/)
PS - I wouldn't count ship buffs as sustainable, but you can add yugo pots instead.
lold. Am I the one thinkning getting ship invite (not mentioning the possibility of having a good guild) is *A LIL BIT* easier than all-elite amrath? (okay, not all, but most)
As for the possibility to die and lose those buffs (if u were talking about this)... well, enjoy your PUG/dump con/zerging/etc.
So let's not talk about deaths and assume guildbuffs as constant.
(they're actually even more constant than any other buff)
a pally sure can stand with the big boys in DPS but not until they have more than their fair share of gear.
Sad but true. Pally is a 0.5barb until he gets his esos and bumps up with epic gear.
And hi finally becomes 0.80-0.85barb after that. Yay.
@qc_sebyos: Even with divine favor, zeal, divine might and divine sacrifice. Face it... =(
At least pally's much more versatile. And that's why i enjoy it... otherwise i would have TRd it into a barb long ago lol.
I'd have to do another DPS breakdown
Smiting, Banishing or Disruption suffix.
Cannot be Cannith crafted.
...................................... 1200+ posts and i still read such................... omfg.................. >.<
But for crafted options I'd imagine a good crit profile weapon of an appropriate metal type, with Holy/Burst of Greater Bane
Oh lol.
Have u seen crafting lvls and ingedients needed for those?
Here, take a look
Highest Arcane shard level is 70
Highest Divine shard level is 93
Total Item Potential Required: 11 (Min Level on item will be 20)
You will have to make:
Shard of [+5] Enhancement Bonus
Shard of Greater Evil Outsider Bane
Shard of Holy
Shard of Potential (+10 Maximum Enhancement)
Shard of Potential (+11 Maximum Enhancement)
Shard of Potential (+6 Maximum Enhancement)
Shard of Potential (+7 Maximum Enhancement)
Shard of Potential (+8 Maximum Enhancement)
Shard of Potential (+9 Maximum Enhancement)
Total Required Ingredients:
15 Greater Arcane Essence
192 Lesser Arcane Essence
41 Siberys Dragonshards
1 +5 Spirit
36 Greater Good Essence
272 Lesser Good Essence
5 Purified Eberron Dragonshard Fragments
1 Demons Blood
1 Large Devil Scales
3 Glittering Dust
1025 Lesser Any Essence
And now answer. What's easier: SoS or crafted weaponry?
(tip: Highest Divine shard level is 93 (c) )
Nothing that you can't buff yourself with or be buffed with in an a raid situation should be considered sustainable.
Just for u to know: even Shade's DPS Challenge thread says:
"-Ship buffs are ok <...> These are generally available and sustainable for everyone in most raids" (c)
Поделиться406.12.2011 17:50:52
Там sheduled mainenance на форуме, поэтому использую наш форум как блокнот.
Свежая идея, huh?
(на на самом деле, Хымпф, перепроверь))))))
я там чутка пореалистичнее сделал: без бубльмадстонов
Поделиться506.12.2011 17:58:29
Soooo... breakdown u say?
Relax, dude. If u can't reach +67.... =\ .... don't bother urself with useless calculations - u won't reach appropriate crafting level anyway lol